JT: What is this supposed to be?
Karina: That is my vagina reimagined as a three-dimensional celebration of form and color.

Jessica: Your father and I have discussed it, and we think it's time to tell Ainsley the truth about Nicholas Endicott.Martin: Specifically that she killed him.
Malcolm: That's a bad idea. She's suffering from PTSD. Learning the full story will only make it worse.
Jessica: Not if we tell her as a family. 
Martin: That way we can control the narrative. 
Malcolm: Of course, it's about control. 
Martin: Fine. Guide. Steer. Lightly jouge the narrative. 

Dani: What about me? Was I different in your dream?
Malcolm: Yes, and no.
Dani: What does that mean?
Malcolm: Dream stuff, it's complicated. I wouldn't want to bore you with it.
Dani: The one thing you never do is bore me.

Dani: That place really was haunted.
Malcolm: In my experience, people are always scarier than ghosts.

Malcolm: Ainsley,  you're being reckless.
Ainsley: Oh my God, are we not going to talk about the crazy hypocrisy of you lecturing me about being reckless. Someone needs to catch this killer. It might as well be me.

Martin: She's made of tougher stuff.
Malcolm: Because she's your daughter?
Martin: Because she's your mother's.

Malcolm: There are two dead women, Ainsley. How does that make you feel?
Ainsley: Terrible. Why would you even ask me that? 

You're scared, and that's why you're such a miserable cop. Because that hatred you feel? It's poison. But I'm not gonna let it poison my life too.


Martin: Ah, here she comes. My beautiful bride. 
Jessica: Mr. David, may we have the room. Oh, please, I promise. No stabbies.

What if hiding the truth hurts people, turns them into something they're not? 


Jessica: You are a cancer, Martin. And the closer they get to you, the more they become you. 
Martin: You know that's not how cancer works, right? 

Martin: What do you need from me?
 Jessica: A partner. Help me save them.
Martin: Of course, and we will. Even these chains can't stop me. No, there's nothing I won't do to save my family. 

Prodigal Son Quotes

 No one is born broken. Someone breaks us.


Malcolm, Malcolm, listen to me. I want you to remember something, OK? You're my son, and I love you. I will always love you because we're the same. 
