There are hundreds of us around the world. We all have aliases. I got by Kama Sutures. It's a double entendre because I'm always sewing up bodies and I like sex.


Martin: Vivian, please. Sorry, I cannot stop thinking about the other night.
Capshaw: Neither can I. It was a mistake. It was a colossal lack in judgment.
Martin: Most good things are.
Capshaw: Look, I've made bad decisions in my life. Kissed the wrong men, trusted the wrong friends, but all of that is nothing compared to what I did with you.

Edrisa: Hey! OK, I pulled a Bright. But I couldn't just, you know, sit back and do nothing. The son of a bitch killed my friend.
Dani: It's fine, just don't make pulling a Bright a habit.

Malcolm: And I'm hallucinating. That's not good. Talking to someone who isn't there, that's psychosis if I'm lucky, schizophrenia if I'm not.
Martin: Or it could be a four-door hybrid mowing you down.

Martin: I'm sorry about undermining your authority, Dr. Capshaw. You should always feel in control.
Capshaw: Sometimes it's nice to lose control.
Martin: No, no, you've gotta forget about me, Viv.
Capshaw: What do you mean?
Martin: You deserve someone who can make your dreams come true. I'm only good at nightmares.
Capshaw: You have no idea what I dream about.

I don't want your sympathy, Bright. I want you to listen to me. Trauma doesn't just disappear because you want it to, you have to face it, but you don't have to face it alone.


Ashton, it won't work. Family will only go so far because once they know the truth, who they're really after, they'll give up on you, and no more family.


Malcolm: What if I didn't do enough to save Nat. What if I'm not really who you think I am.
Dani: Bright, you did everything that you did to save her. You can't really be doubting that.
Malcolm: Sorry, it's just ever since Nicholas died.
Dani: Nicholas?
Malcolm: I mean, Nat. It's been a long week. I'm just tired.
Dani: I know. It's OK. I'm here.
Dream Martin: Ohhhh, here comes the kiss!

Jessica: I used to write all of the time. I kept diaries, but after your father's arrest, I stopped writing started repressing.
Malcolm: Mm. Runs in the family.

Edrisa: Ohh, a text from Blaze. Do you think he's the romance from my horoscope? How tall do you think he is?
Malcolm: I don't know, six feet?
Edrisa: Really? I thought he was 6'3. It's so hard to tell from down here.

Jessica: I worked so hard to forget my past that I hardly remember the woman from back then, from the files.
Gil: Oh I remember her, how fiercely she protected her kids, how she didn't let those old school detectives walk over her. Every time she walked into a room, time slowed down. It still does.

Simon: Now, how did a clever woman like you get entangled with so many homicidal men?
Jessica: So we're already down that road, are we?
Simon: You must've been furious when your latest paramour turned out to be a murderous thug. Jessica Whitly, played for a fool, yet again.

Prodigal Son Season 2 Quotes

Dani: Bright! You were supposed to wait for us to anchor the tether.
Malcolm: Seems like you anchored the tether.
JT: Anchor that tether, Edrisa!
Edrisa: On it! I went through a light bondage phase in Hoboken. I'm great with knots.

This ledge is taken.
