Simon: Europol agents aren't able to make arrests, but it would be my honor to watch you put the cuffs on Endicott's killer. Deal?
Gil: Deal.

Simon: Detective Powell, young, accomplished. Enchanté.
Dani: No.

Ainsley: So you used Endicott's own courier network to dump his body?
Malcolm: Seemed like the most elegant solution.
Ainsley: Yeah, except everyone who transferred the body is dead.
Malcolm: Not everyone.

I'm going to be killed by a Millennial. What a twist?


Simon: I can't die in Brooklyn. Don't you carry a gun?!
Malcolm: Don't you?!
Simon: I'm British!

Malcolm: You have no idea what I've been doing to keep this family safe.
Jessica: No, we don't because you do not let us in.
Malcolm: What would you like to know? How I've been dishonest with my team, or maybe you'd like to know about the thumb in my freezer.
Jessica: I do not want to know that.
Malcolm: I'm just letting you in.

Martin: Tell me, how do you end up here?
Capshaw: They told me you'd do this.
Martin: Do what?
Capshaw: Lure me in. Manipulate me. It's not happening, Whitly. I'm in charge. Do we understand each other?
Martin: Yes, I believe we do.

Simon: Now, how did a clever woman like you get entangled with so many homicidal men?
Jessica: So we're already down that road, are we?
Simon: You must've been furious when your latest paramour turned out to be a murderous thug. Jessica Whitly, played for a fool, yet again.

Capshaw: I don't know what plans you have for my suture scissors, but I need them back.
Martin: I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.
Capshaw: Then you can't think very much of me.
Martin: You don't have the slightest clue what I think of you.
Capshaw: I won't ask you again. I'm doing you a favor, Whitly. Get caught with those scissors, 14 days in isolation. Neither of us want that, do we? Good boy.

Ainsley: To getting away with murder.
Malcolm: How about, to keeping it in the family.
Jessica: I'll drink to that.
Ainsley: To family.

Ainsley and I may have had it out, but it was constructive.


To put it in fun terms, she was botoxed to death.


Prodigal Son Season 2 Quotes

Dani: Bright! You were supposed to wait for us to anchor the tether.
Malcolm: Seems like you anchored the tether.
JT: Anchor that tether, Edrisa!
Edrisa: On it! I went through a light bondage phase in Hoboken. I'm great with knots.

This ledge is taken.
