Michael: I'm glad someone appreciates your talent because I gotta say nobody in your family seems to.
Carmen: Not nobody.

Veronica, you're the new CEO. Stand up for yourself more than I'm standing up for you right now.


Margaret: This job pays very well.
Carmen: I don't care about the money. I just want respect.
Margaret: I get that. My father didn't think a woman could run a vineyard. I was proud to prove him wrong.
Carmen: But then you lost the vineyard to my father.
Margaret: And then I lost your father to my best friend.
Carmen: Lettie.
Margaret: Joe always loved Lettie. Even when she was married to your uncle Billy. When I realized that was never going to change, I told him to buy me out of the vineyard.

I'm not asking for your forgiveness, Carmen. Just your understanding. I can't imagine how my leaving would affect you kids, but I knew Lettie would raise you well. At the time, I thought better than I could.


Antonio: I held up my end. I told Joe. You know how he reacted?
Javier: I'm sure it was unpleasant.
Antonio: Unpleasant?
Javier: Yes, unpleasant, Antonio. He probably yelled at you, called you mariposa, then he sent you off to Harvard, then he flew you home for Christmas, which I'm sure made for very unpleasant --
Antonio: Oh, please-
Javier: You know what my father would have done? How badly he would've beaten me? I had to wait years to come out to my family. I had to wait until I could kick my father's ass. On the day I told him, I did, my father, who I love. Look, I'm sorry that I broke our deal and that I got scared.

Veronica: Were you planning on telling me?
Michael: I'd like to t think that I don't have to. I'd like to think that my wife trusts me. Since we're on the topic what did you need the money for?
Veronica: It's my business.
Michael: And why is that?
Veronica: Simple, Michael. It's my money.

Lettie: So who else wants to share something about their day? Carmen, how about you?
Carmen: Not much; saw mom.
Veronica: Who'd you see?
Joe: Your mother is sitting right next to you.
Carmen: Not like that, I meant Margaret.
Lettie: It's ok, Carmen, I know what you meant.

Wayne: Hey, I think I told you boys, English when on the job. Joe! I'm so sorry, I, uh, you surprised me.
Joe: That's okay, Wayne. Your people never surprise me.

Lettie: I don't know what game you're playing, Margaret, but when you and Joe go to war, it's usually other people who get hurt. That's not going to be Carmen.
Margaret: She's my daughter, Lettie.
Lettie: When it's convenient.

Margaret: Tell me, if you care so much about Carmen, why is it that her only real creative opportunity hs come from me not you and Joe?
Lettie: You really think that one job will make her forget the fact that you left?
Margaret: I was pushed out.
Lettie: You abandoned your family.
Marget: You stole it, and I was left to rebuild my life from nothing, so don't act so innocent in this, old friend.

Margaret: Just curious, does Joe keep your balls in his pocket or the humidor next to his cigars?
Wayne: No need to get hysterical or bitchy about this.
Margaret: Oh, I never get hysterical when it comes to business. Bitchy's another story.

Joe: Where are you from?
Daniela: El Salvador.
Joe: Oh, I have always wanted to go there. Most Americans think that we are all one culture. "your people."
Daniela: I know what you mean. Still, there is one thing that unites us.
Joe: The language.
Daniela: The struggle, Sir.

Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Veronica, you're the new CEO. Stand up for yourself more than I'm standing up for you right now.


Michael: I'm glad someone appreciates your talent because I gotta say nobody in your family seems to.
Carmen: Not nobody.