Tessa: Believe me, I don't need money as a motive.
Brodie: Why is that?
Tessa: Sweetheart, I was already rich.

Levi: I can't believe this. I just saw him.
Maddie: So did I. He threatened me. I threatened him right back.
Levi: So you drove him to suicide. What a relief. I thought I did.

Brodie: Who puts a kid in a mental hospital after their mother dies?
Violet: A woman who inherited 300 million.

A lot of them wanted her inheritance. So they pinned her murder on the adopted Korean girl who hated her.


Sometimes what we show the world is more important than what's true.


My 911 call wasn't great either. You can't win. Either you're too emotional or you're not emotional enough.


I didn't kill my mother! I was convicted in the press just like you were.


Do you want me to wrap that in a bag of frozen peas or something?


If we listen to our enemies' point of view, we can learn something about each other. So please, guys, don't stop having these conversations, even if it's difficult.


You know what happened to the guys who gave us the nooses? Absolutely nothing. So if you're going to tell me to drop the attitude, the least you could do is understand why I have one.

Violet [on podcast]

Easy: Being a hothead doesn't change the world.
Violet: He calls us the N word and burns crosses on people's lawns, but I'm the hothead?

It's crazy, isn't it, how all of this hate can tear a country apart?


Proven Innocent Quotes

Caleb: Coming here by yourself was a bad idea.
Madeline: People know I'm here. If you kill me, at least 100 more people will be coming. You can't kill your way out of this one.

Caleb: Harvey still up in Statesville?
Madeline: 27 years is a long time for a murder we both know he didn't commit, don't you think?