Valerie: What happened?
Winston: We lost the signal.

Noah: You tell me right now who did this.
Anna: You did. By leaving me no way to run the farm or no way to make a living. You did this.

The money flows like a river but in one direction. We follow the money, we find the boss.

Noah [to Abel]

If you are lying to me, I will be the crowbar and you will be the windshield.

Valerie [to Noah]

How many girls can say they opened a Bible and found a boyfriend?

Anna [to Tina]

Valerie: So, not suspending me?
Captain: Not yet.

Realtor: Strictly speaking, this isn't exactly legal.
Anna: That's why there would be a bonus for you, for thinking outside the box.

This isn't a hockey fight, Val. What were you thinking?

Winston [to Valerie]

If he asks to look at your gums, you ask to see what's inside his wallet.

Justina [to Tina]

I hate that beard. It makes you look like you live under a bridge.

Eva [to Noah]

Anna: You were good to help Justina. But be careful with that woman.
Tina: She's not the same person she was.
Anna: I know Justina Epp. I know what she's done.
Tina: What if God said that about us? What hope would there be for our family?

Valerie: If you get caught with a wire on you, do you know what they'll do to you?
Noah: As long as my wife and children are safe, I don't care.

Pure Season 2 Quotes

Valerie: What is this style?
Julius: Wood?

  • Permalink: Wood?
  • Added:

You have no friends.

Estrada [to Anna]