Emerson: (panicking) Can't this car go any faster?!
Chuck: Some car of the future this is!
Ned: I thought cars of the future were supposed to fly! What the hell happened to flying cars

Ned: Can you help us get out of these body bags?
Olive: Sure.

Dead people don't talk... usually.


You love secrets. You wanna marry secrets and have little half-secret, half-human babies.


Chuck: Shotgun!
Ned: Chuck!
Chuck: I hate the back.
Ned: Dead. Again. Forever.

If I wanted to mingle with a bunch of geeks wearing leotards, I'd have stayed in art school.


What's great about knowing? When you lift up a rock, do you find whipped cream? No, you find bugs. I say "no" to knowing.


While Olive contemplated how much she appreciated Digby paying attention to her when the Pie Maker would not - and Digby contemplated how much he liked salt - the Pie Maker contemplated what the punishment for breaking and entering would be with no prior convictions.


One of these dummies is not like the others.


Chuck: We'll cushion the blow.
Ned: Not a big fan of the blow.

Emerson: Rhubarb.
Olive: What's that mean?
Emerson: PI secret code for 'get me a damn slice of rhubarb.'
Olive: This isn't Pies r Us, Pie City ... this is a bells on the door, pies-baking, mom and pop place. We chit chat here. Chit!
Emerson: Chat!

Chuck: Isn't that what a PI is supposed to do, investigate? Isn't that the fun part?
Emerson: The fun part is counting my money in the bubble bath.

Pushing Daisies Quotes

Chuck: Do you believe in reincarnation?
Emerson: Hell no. The planet's falling apart. Right now, it's the children's problem. We reincarnate, it's our problem

Vivian: Charlotte was a nice girl.
Lily: With the exception of puberty.
Vivian: Which was when Lily was going through a change of life.
Lily: Impolite to talk about one's menopause in mixed company.