Violet: You do what you’ve got to do, but you come home.
Hollywood: I always do.

He hates us, but not enough to bid on land he can’t fully monetize.


Nova: We’re not giving up until this is over.
Ralph Angel: Well, as long as we breathing it’ll never be over.
Charley: Facts.

You miss every shot you don’t take. It’s time we started shooting.

Ralph Angel

Micah: To the extent that anybody can be sure about anything, I don’t think I’m gay. But I do have feelings for you, and that’s confusing. I feel like my sense of self, and my emotional attraction are at odds. Like, the way I feel for you in my heart doesn’t match my feelings for you in other ways.
Isaiah: So you don’t want to sleep with me.
Micah: I don’t want to sleep with you.
Isaiah: I can forgive you for that. You should know that I don’t want anything from you, Micah, and I never did. Nothing except to be your friend, your brother. But society tells us that men can’t love each other that way. You know, we don’t do that. Women can be best friends, they can hold hands, they can declare their love for each other, but we can’t. And if we do, then we must be gay.

I feel like the world sees me as a problem. Something to be solved, managed. Like my freedom and my strength is a threat.


I’ve done some tough work on myself recently, and I’ve come to know that I’ve mistaken passion for love far too many times. I’ve been hurt deeply.


Right now, I’m going to start living for me. Do what makes me happy.


It’s ironic, you know. The land that your ancestors killed our ancestors for will become the foundation for a new movement of black empowerment in St. Jo.


Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 10 Quotes

He hates us, but not enough to bid on land he can’t fully monetize.


Violet: You do what you’ve got to do, but you come home.
Hollywood: I always do.