I’m just happy we’re doing this. There’s so much sadness and loss. This is just about happiness and hope. I want those again.


Let me put it this way, my word for the day is jubilant, and I get to use it for real right now.


I guess they think I’ve just got extra wedding cakes sitting in my fridge, waiting, just in case.


How you gonna spring a surprise wedding on folks in 12 hours and have the audacity to have a dress code?


Willa Mae showed up for the people who loved her. She did her life right.


Darla: What’s happening?
Charley: It’s your bridal shower.
Nova: Slash, Welcome to the Family party.
Violet: Slash bachelorette party minus the strippers, but I’ve got my Magic Mike DVD queued up to the best scene. You want me to share it?
Group: No!

Darla: I’ve done so many things. Given him so many reasons not to love me.
Charley: And yet, he does. Ralph Angel loves you, and you love him. You chose each other. That’s what matters. Everything else is in the past where it belongs.

From the first day I saw you, I knew my heart was in trouble. Not being with you wasn’t an option. I needed you in my life. By God’s grace, today is a dream come true. You’re my sun and my moon, Darla. You light up all the dark places in me, making me a better man.

Ralph Angel

I remember the first time that you held my hand. It felt like gentle, strong love coming through your touch. I never wanted the feeling to fade. I’ve loved you since that moment, and I’ve prayed for this moment, for today. You’ve picked me up when I thought I couldn’t get up again. You’ve illuminated my life. When I thought that I was done shining, now I shine for you. I shine because of you, and I’m shining with you. Forever.


Calvin: Nova, you ever see us getting married? I mean, would you ever marry me? I mean, is that in any of our future in any way in your mind? I mean, I don’t want to start thinking about or dreaming about it if you don’t see yourself getting married to me, I mean, because of our differences.
Nova: Our differences are becoming a gift to each other in ways I never imagined. Let’s think about it together.

Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Let me put it this way, my word for the day is jubilant, and I get to use it for real right now.


I’m just happy we’re doing this. There’s so much sadness and loss. This is just about happiness and hope. I want those again.
