Charley: All the world knows now; I feel like I can finally breathe again.
Remy: So what do you say? You and me tonight. Gumbo up to your elbows, so good it will make you holler.
Charley: So you want to make me holler, huh?

Zika is a hurricane by another name.


You look healthy, which is saying a lot considering all you've been through. It's not easy to hold yourself together during tough times.


Charley: Every step of this has been my choice.
Lorna: Choice or reaction? I understand divorce.
Charley: Mom, I'm happy.

Being a parent is not just about the good stuff. It's also about the harder stuff, and that is something your mother understands.


Lorna: Is this really the best use of your degree?
Charley: Well, I'm running a business, exactly what an MBA is for.
Lorna: Yes, but you were so happy doing what you were doing, negotiating these million dollar contracts, endorsements deals. That seemed like a much better fit than boilers, cranes, vacuum pans.
Charley: I'm not married to Davis anymore, if you haven't noticed.
Lorna: But please, any professional athlete would be lucky to have you as their manager.
Charley: Mom, I'm the first black woman to own a mill in the state. That's not small scale.
Lorna: My question is, will you be satisfied with this?

Charley: I mean, she blows into town months after I had to bury my father, her ex-husband, and now she just wants instant access into everything going on in my life.
Remy: I'm sure she means well.
Charley: Well then she should have been here. But she sends flowers, she writes the most beautiful postcards from all of the exotic places she visits and…
Remy: Sounds kind of nice.
Charley: No. She's good on the page, less so in person.

Violet: You all have been so good at taking baby steps you sure you want to go all in right now?
Ralph Angel: Sometimes you've got to just bet on yourself.
Violet: I know that's right. I'm happy.

Remy: What happened to the traditional visit to the, you know? Let the man see a little something shake.
Nova: Remy. Hollywood. Don't even think about taking my brother out to that strip club at the Parish line.
Remy: We was talking about bowling.

Charley: For the record, my mother and my Aunt Vi don't mix. They're like...
Remy: Oil and vinegar.
Charley: More like ammonia and bleach. My mom agreed not to come back here a long time ago.

Charley: I should have known. I spent summers here, I know how people think. And I didn't prepare him for living in the South. I don't know what I thought. That he's smart? That he'll figure it out; he'll make it work. I didn't protect him, not like how you were protecting me. Isn't that what you said when you sent me up to boarding school? You were protecting me.
Lorna: I sent you away to school because you were a black woman in a white world and you needed the best education and the best pedigree.
Charley: It wasn't enough.
Lorna: And that is why I sent you to spend summers here, so that you would know where you came from and have that identity.
Charley: But then I had to go home and I felt the opposite at home. Like I had to manage my blackness, like there was no room for it. Like it was something I put on a few weeks of the year. I know you don't understand that.
Lorna: Why?
Charley: Because you can't. Because you can't understand that.
Lorna: Because I'm white, is that what you're trying to say? Well, I did the best that I could by you and that is what any mother does for their child. And that is what you have done for Micah. And he is strong, just like you.

Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Zika is a hurricane by another name.


Charley: All the world knows now; I feel like I can finally breathe again.
Remy: So what do you say? You and me tonight. Gumbo up to your elbows, so good it will make you holler.
Charley: So you want to make me holler, huh?