When I was growing up, caring for the folks you care about was your purpose. The be all and end all and we felt satisfied to be able to do that.


Blue will do that to you. Little things about him, make you want to fight the whole world just so he won't have to.

Ralph Angel

You ain't God. When your number is called, ain't no stopping that.


Remy: Everybody around here's grown, including us. Let them see if they want to look.
Charley: And what will they see if they do look?
Remy: A good man telling an extraordinary woman that he don't want to be her friend. It ain't enough.

No, you never hit me, but you sure knocked the hell out of me.


Nova: The ninth is not ready for another hurricane.
Chantal: It's barely ready for a sunny day.

I'm just not a two dates and a U-haul kind of girl.


I want to payback my debts and bring goodness to where I once brought discord. That's all I'm trying to do and I hope that some day you'll see fit to let me.


Micah: Are you okay?
Vi: I will be as soon as Nova answers her phone. She's dodging calls like I'm a damn bill collector.

I'm certain, not hard headed. There's a big difference.


You live in the lower ninth. I'm not going to put my son in the position to be killed, shot, or in need of a $10,000 bail out.


I actually value marriage even if no one else in my life does and I'm not gonna have my son be stuck again in a house with people who claim to love one another, disrespect each other and break their promises. You want to live foul? Okay, you do you but you leave my son the hell out of it!


Queen Sugar Season 1 Quotes

The players who got caught with the girl are just kids, coming straight out of high school. No home training, no life skills. We hand them millions of dollars and then say good luck. They marry riffraff. They live wild, now they're messing up our livelihood.


Nova: Be good.
Calvin: I won't tell you the same.
Nova: You know better.