Nova: I can't be all of myself when I'm with you. I can't. I can't fight for my people every day and come home and have to explain it. I can't cry over brothers slayed by cops in the streets and no one ever pays, and then come home to a cop. Come on. This is crazy. I was going crazy. I can't want to share everything with you knowing there are parts of me you don't want to know. Part of me that loves my people more than anything that will make me set that aside.
Calvin: I never asked you to set it aside.
Nova: You never asked about it at all. And just because you wish something was meant to be doesn't mean it is.

I believe in forever, and I want you in mine.


Remy: Would you marry again?
Charley: I'm barely out of my last marriage; I think it's a little premature to be thinking about another. It's just not on my mind.

Darla is a good mother now. She loves him to the moon. He loves her to the stars. Of course there are things that happened that we both won't forget, but all I can tell you is that he's a happy child and he grew up with a lot of love.


Calvin: I've felt like a fraud my whole life. I didn't care much about sports, but I played because my daddy wanted me to. I didn't want to join the force, but I did because my family expected me to. I didn't want to get married, but I did because everyone thought I should. I didn't want kids, but she did so we had kids. I did my whole life what everybody else wanted me to do, until you. Being with you was the first time I was able to be me. You were my choice. You were so free, you were so brave, and just being around you made me want to be brave too. I love you. I love you so much, more than anything or anyone.
Nova: I love you too. Hear me. Know for you I’m freedom. For me, you’re prison.

Calvin: I thought I was okay. I was moving on, then I saw you. Hard feelings to shake.
Nova: For what it's worth, I know I haven't moved on. I tried in a lot of ways I shouldn't have, and I'm just realizing I've been at war with myself.
Calvin: Me too. Why are we fighting this, ourselves, or each other? What do we have to do to find the peace together? Whatever it is, say it and I’ll do it. Whatever you say, I’ll do.

Remy: Are you coming on to me?
Charley: Well I'm trying.
Remy: Well, come on then.

Nova: I shouldn't have to disappear into you to make this work, and if you thought I ever wanted to leave my home, you never knew me.
Robert: No, I know you. I know what you could be.
Nova: That's the problem. I think you're a very good man, but you're no good for me.
Robert: Don't do this.
Nova: I don't need you to dream for me. I like what I've got.

Darla: My dad sees what he wants.
Violet: Well then that's on him, and don't you hide on account of it.

If we're going to do this, we have to be in it together as partners. I'm not trying to be anybody's chess piece.


That's why I love you. You get what it takes and yet you're still committed. Nova.


Let me tell you something, Sam. Maybe you can get to people who don't have a spine, but I have a backbone and I am not going away.


Queen Sugar Season 2 Quotes

Remy: You two are still together as far as the world knows.
Charley: Not for long. Our lawyers are working on terms right now.
Remy: And once it's safe for you to be seen drinking with another man, then we can toast to that, but from now on...for now, I think it's best for both of us if we just keep things professional.

I guess I should be used to people thinking there's no me without Davis.
