Remy: Are you coming on to me?
Charley: Well I'm trying.
Remy: Well, come on then.

Charley, we can make a way out of no way, that's what we do. Now it won't be what you had in your mind exactly, but we can celebrate our harvest.


On our first date he told me that the woman he loved did not love him enough to marry him. Trudy and Ernest were already broken up when I met him, and he came to California. He was away from his home and his land for the first time, and it was the love of his life that sent him away. He told me that Trudy was a free spirit. She wanted a more free, flowing relationship, but he didn't want that. He wanted tradition, so he came to California just to put some distance between them.


Ralph Angel: One class showed me what I already know. School ain't for me, never has been.
Remy: That's an excuse, Ralph Angel.
Ralph Angel: Only teacher ever paid me attention was the gym coach cause he wanted me to be on the track team. The rest of them treat me like I can't read or something.
Remy: So you thought that's the way I treated you last night.
Ralph Angel: Everybody do me like that. You ain't do nothing new.
Remy: I want to apologize for making you feel small, and I mean that sincerely, and I hope you hear that because you're not small, Ralph Angel. You've got a big heart, you've got a big spirit, you've got a big brain. But you've also got a big case of luggage that you're carrying around with you everywhere you go, and that makes everything feel heavier than it needs to be. Now we all got to carry it sometime, hell, most of the time, actually. But brother you should know that when you're with me you can put that down, cause I just want what's best for you, and I never mean you any harm. Look here, if you can't put it down, let me know that too and I'll carry it with you because I know you'd do the same thing for me.

Nova: All these years I've been hating on her because everybody else did, but what did she do? Did she break them up?
Violet: It's complicated. No, she didn't break them up but she did stand in the way of them getting back together.
Nova: How?
Violet: She interrupted everything. Ernest was Trudy's and Trudy was Ernest's. Everybody knew that. I mean, okay, your mama wanted to explore and whatnot, but still, they had something unique, something everybody wanted, and they was meant to be together. Period. Then comes Lorna.
Nova: Did Mom break up with him before he left for California?
Violet: Yeah, but she didn't think he was going to go there and marry a white lady. Come on.
Nova: Fair enough, but did she deny him when he came back to ask about me, when she was pregnant with me?
Violet: Baby, she was young and she wanted things her way, so yeah, she turned him down. But she did not think it was permanent, I know that. Then comes Lorna and Charley; it just got, like I said, complicated.

Remy: I was showing that a farm is a business and decisions need to be based on solid reasoning for the business to succeed.
Ralph Angel: Maybe that's what you thought you was doing, but nobody else asked nothing after you put me in my place.
Remy: Ralph Angel, that was a critical thinking exercise. It can be intimidating for students to realize how much they haven't learned.
Ralph Angel: Is that what it is?
Remy: Yeah.
Ralph Angel: Looked to me like you was being a know-it-all. Now I know why you and Charley are together. Makes sense.

You go through your whole life knowing exactly why you are the way you are, and then you get one new piece of the puzzle and the whole picture changes.


Charley: I just had to sit there and take it because I don't want to be the angry black woman at my first meeting. And my Mom is telling me that I should bring white farmers in to the mill and on the one hand it's good advice. It would actually expand my business but, you understand, I don't feel like doing that right now. I just, I can't please anyone.
Vi: Charley, you are grown, and you have a son who looks to you every day for who he's going to be. You ain't got time to be playing by anybody's rules but your own, and I ain't never known you to be someone who needs permission.

Ralph Angel: It ain't easy it being thrown in my face like that. I can't get that picture out of my head.
Darla: We've both done things that we're not proud of. We were just trying to get by back then.
Ralph Angel: You were trying to get by on drugs.
Darla: What?
Ralph Angel: You was whoring to make money so you could get high. Ain't that what happened?
Darla: And you were stealing credit cards and robbing convenience stores.
Ralph Angel: The two don't compare. I did that so I could take care of Blue. You was only thinking of yourself, as always.
Darla: Is this what our marriage is going to look like?
Ralph Angel: I don't know.
Darla: Us having the same argument over and over again. You cannot keep punishing me for my mistakes, Ralph Angel.
Ralph Angel: I ain't punishing you, but it is what it is, Darla.
Darla: I'm not that person any more and I am so tired of trying to convince you that I'm not.

Strange, I was on all the other emails in the chain. Maybe just hit Reply All next time, or I can show you how if the technology is too confusing for you


I don't know what kind of girls you dated in Los Angeles but I don't roll like that.


Charley: When I first got down here, no farmers wanted anything to do with me, and over time I was able to change a few minds; they just happened to all be black.
Lorna: Did you even try talking to the others. I mean, did you even attempt talking with the white farmers.
Charley: Of course I did. None of them wanted to mill with a woman who looked like me. Like I said, that's how it is here.
Lorna: That sounds like an excuse to me. I did not raise you to believe in barriers. You cannot just roll over because “that's how it is here.” If you don't like the way things are then you work on changing it.

Queen Sugar Season 2 Quotes

Remy: You two are still together as far as the world knows.
Charley: Not for long. Our lawyers are working on terms right now.
Remy: And once it's safe for you to be seen drinking with another man, then we can toast to that, but from now on...for now, I think it's best for both of us if we just keep things professional.

I guess I should be used to people thinking there's no me without Davis.
