Davis: A lot has changed since we were kids, Charley. But one thing that’s never changed is my love for you. It’s endless. It’s everlasting. It’s everything I’ve got within me, forever. Charley Bordelon, will you marry me? Again?
Charley: I don’t know, Davis.

Sam: I don’t think your family is interested in a drawn-out trial. What would that do to future business of Vi’s Pies? Nova’s career? Micah’s future? Charley’s political aspirations? Would Blue’s fancy new school want a student whose black father is on trial for theft? There’s a way out of all this.
Violet: This is all about money.
Sam: I don’t want your money, Violet. The only thing I want is the farm.

Ralph Angel: Why you giving up so easy?
Hollywood: Because you did it. You did this. You stole that white man’s stuff, Bro. You did this shit. Yeah, racism. Yeah, the system. But also, you stole it! And you were caught red-handed, on camera. I mean, all these women who put their family farm in your hands, they’re willing to let it go because they’re willing to let that land go before they let you go.
Violet: Your freedom is worth more than any land, Ralph Angel.

I don’t know what’s about to happen next, but I promise this isn’t the end.

Ralph Angel

Ralph Angel: I did what I had to do just to provide for my family.
Hollywood: So you think it’s okay for you to take somebody else’s things.
Ralph Angel: I was just getting back what I was owed.

Ralph Angel: No, Charley, I can’t prove it. That’s why I didn’t tell you all. I knew you’d tell me I couldn’t prove it, probably throw some money at me instead of justice. I know it was Landry, so I wasn’t stealing. I was just standing my damn ground.
Charley: Unfortunately, the law won’t see it that way.
Violet: It sure the hell won’t. This is all about ego and pride. You could have asked any one of us for help.

Sam and me got a lot of history. It’s time I remind him of his place in it.


Just because we don’t choose right the first time doesn’t mean we can’t on the last. You are so strong, Ralph Angel. I’m here for you. No matter what.


Nova: Every step towards progress gets pushed back tenfold.
Charley: That’s how they want you to feel. We have to stay fighting.
Nova: The powers that be always win.

Billie: Jimmy Dale was real smooth about it. I can see that now. So, when Nova and I would visit Violet, he would ask me about my dreams and my future plans. Make me feel real grown up and smart. But then he tried to take it to the next level, and I didn’t want that. But he didn’t care.
Prosper: He assaulted you.
Billie: He tried. But luckily, my Daddy taught me how to throw a pretty nice right cross.
Prosper: And your uppercut wasn’t nothing to mess with either.

I opened my heart, my life, my wallet to you, and in return, you hit on my husband.


Nova: They terrorized me. But really, this is about my power, my activism, my voice, my skin, my gender, my everything.
Charley: Yes, you are everything. They didn’t take anything from you. They gave you something. More power. More fire. More.

Queen Sugar Season 6 Quotes

It’s going to be nice to see a little Bordelon running around on this land.


Prosper: After letting folks around here doing black farmers any old kind of way.
Ralph Angel: Can’t get loans on time, nickel and dime us for everything, bleed us out generation after generation. I think it’s about time we get paid back for some of that trouble. I’ll take some paper justice.