Ralph Angel: I remember when Charley would come for summers, and I knew we didn’t have the same mom, but Pops never talked about it. That hurt all of us. I know how that feels, and I don’t want Blue going through that.
Darla: Blue isn’t you, Ralph Angel. He is too young, and it is too soon. No.

Billie: Vince, thank you for loving me more than I love myself. I adore you, baby. I have loved and I have cherished you, and I want to do that until death do us part. Will you marry me?
Vince: Hell, yes.

Keke: It wasn’t a big deal in St. Jo because everyone knew me first. But here, when I tell people about you, they look at me like, why is he with her? She’s so country. I felt the jealousy and the judgment. It sucked.
Micah: It’s wild to me that people would say that because the minute I laid eyes on you, I felt like you were out of my league. You’re beautiful.

Mr. Miller: The Landrys are pillars of this community, and they deserve a fair shake just like everybody else.
Ralph Angel: Years of missed loan payments is a fair shake, Mr. Miller?
Mr. Miller: They’re from an upstanding family. They’re not just a lazy thug looking for a handout. And I’m here to maintain that natural order.

Dominic: I’ve been on an island loving you, and you’ve been struggling to love me.
Nova: Dominic, I am right here. You have to believe me.

Billie: But Ra, he’s got bad blood for you and you for him. I mean, I just don’t think it’s wise for you to put yourself in a position where he could potentially twist it to his advantage.
Vince: Exactly. You’d be making it easy for him to say you’re trying to intimidate or coerce him.

Darla: I almost feel sorry for you. You’re hiding so many secrets. It’s going to poison you from the inside out.
Sam: How dare you try and to talk to me like we’re familiar.
Darla: I’m not trying to talk to you. I am talking to you and very directly, in fact.

People underestimate us, Mr. Landry. Just know that when everything comes crashing down for you, and we both know that that’s happening sooner than later, you’ll have brought your misery on yourself. Have a good day.


I feel different. I’m not scared anymore. I’m not twisted up inside about commitment and life. I don’t think I’ll get lost this time.


Sandy, you’ve shown me more love than I’ve seen in decades. You’ve fixed and filled every crack and missing piece of my heart.


Ain’t no words to describe your impact on us, Mr. Prosper. And I’m sure I speak for us all when I say we’d be more than lost without you. Honest. And Ms. Sandy, I don’t know what you did to this man, but you got him sprung ever since the day you all met. It’s all he talks about. I’m excited to welcome you to our family. To Prosper and Sandy.

Ralph Angel

I am not about to let Sam Landry or anything else rob us of the glory of this day.


Queen Sugar Season 7 Quotes

Ralph Angel: This baby's only six months old and got more gifts than I had my whole life.
Hollywood: That's because she is a princess, and she deserves to be spoiled.

Hollywood: [About Ralph Angel]: You know, him and Ernest are the same. Whenever times got rough, they just walked the land. I feel bad for him that he can't do that no more.