I don't wanna go home. Can we go to a hotel and have sex?


Jim: Hey slugger. You alright?
Abby: No. I should have smashed her fuckin' face in.

I feel dirty.


Ed: There is no law here, Mick, there's just me. I'm the law! ME! I'm about to become the number one law enforcement officer in the United States, hell in the FREE WORLD Mick! But you Irish Spring, you Lucky Charms eating PIECES OF SHIT, you guys are gonna bring me down!
Mickey: Top of the mornin' to ya.

It really bothers you, doesn't it? Not being in control.


He made me kill that poor fat fucker. It was like killing a fuckin' dog!


OK. I shouldn't have pushed you down the stairs, but you did break my phone.


Ray: So why'd you stay?
Kate: Because you asked me to.

Kate: You know something about that Ray?
Ray: Just because we fucked doesn't mean I'm not gonna do my job (smiles).

Ed: What the fuck you lookin' at?
Ray: Your mom.

Ed: I really couldn't give a shit about you potato-eatin', river-dancin' mother fuckers.
Mickey: Aoh.

  • Permalink: Aoh.
  • Added:

Mickey: It wasn't always bad, Ray.
Ray: Wasn't that the summer you started fuckin' Claudette?
Mickey: That's why you was born, Ray, to be my fuckin' judge. That's always been your job.

Ray Donovan Season 2 Quotes

Ray: I brought Sully out here to kill my father. Paid him $2 million to do it.
Frank: Jesus fuckin' Christ Ray.
Ray: Will you shut the fuck up?
Cochran: Well, ha, that didn't turn out so well now, did it? Either of you two guys want to tell me who in the fuck shot Sully?
Ray: My father.

Ray: I'm Ray Donovan.
Cochran: Oh I know who you are. You're a bag man for movie stars. You're also an extortionist, wire-tapper; well, basically you're an all around piece of shit.