He was my son. That was El Negro. This is El Blanco.


Lena: You're a good singer. I've seen you perform.
Girl: You watch the show?
Lena: Oh yeah, I love it. And I think you've got a real shot, too. But if you don't follow the story I'm about to tell you, we're gonna shoot you again.

Listen to me. Do yourself a favor. Have your press conference. Tell your story. Enjoy your moment. America's Most Wanted is dead. You're a hero. God bless America.

Ray: I brought Sully out here to kill my father. Paid him $2 million to do it.
Frank: Jesus fuckin' Christ Ray.
Ray: Will you shut the fuck up?
Cochran: Well, ha, that didn't turn out so well now, did it? Either of you two guys want to tell me who in the fuck shot Sully?
Ray: My father.

Ray: I'm Ray Donovan.
Cochran: Oh I know who you are. You're a bag man for movie stars. You're also an extortionist, wire-tapper; well, basically you're an all around piece of shit.

Ray Donovan Season 2 Quotes

Ray: I brought Sully out here to kill my father. Paid him $2 million to do it.
Frank: Jesus fuckin' Christ Ray.
Ray: Will you shut the fuck up?
Cochran: Well, ha, that didn't turn out so well now, did it? Either of you two guys want to tell me who in the fuck shot Sully?
Ray: My father.

Ray: I'm Ray Donovan.
Cochran: Oh I know who you are. You're a bag man for movie stars. You're also an extortionist, wire-tapper; well, basically you're an all around piece of shit.