Ben: We have until then to commit yet another felony.
Sock: Kinda gets you pumped, right?
Ben: Yes it does

Sock: So, did he get all foamy at the mouth and twitchy when you zapped him?
Sam: Not really.
Sock: Too bad. You probably did it wrong

Sam: There's no way you're being this nice to me.
Devil: Hey, I'm not Ted. What a dick

Sock: Coupons? El Diablo not forkin' out the big bucks, huh?
Gladys: Just ring me up so I never have to come back here

Sam: Sock, Sock, don't do something stupid.
Sock: Sam, I am almost certainly going to do something stupid. It's in my blood. You know that

I am sorry, Sammy. I never should have pushed that whole Taylor thing on you....I had no idea you were a homosexual. "We should just slow it down a little?" You hear that? That's the sound of every man in the world laughing at you


Devil: Love? There's no such thing. I'm talking real passion, lust.
Sam: You don't think love is real?
Devil: The French invented love so they could put a civilized face on a primal urge. Dress it up with candy and hearts and cubic zirconium. In the end it all comes down to endorphins and genitalia

Sam: A church? Isn't this a little too close for comfort?
Devil: Nah, me and the Big Guy have an understanding. I stay out of his house, he lets me play with his toys

Ben: Yeah, Love, Bullets, and Blacktop. It's a fine title.
Sock: Boobs, Bullets, and Blacktop would be better. You know, the whole repeating the B's thing, that's classy

Devil: I was able to obtain some information one of her many, many, many erogenous zones. Just stroke her earlobe, and she'll do anything. Anything.
Sam: There is something really wrong with you.
Devil: What? Encouraging a young man to succumb to his primal and perfectly natural instincts. Sharing the fact that Taylor's in her experimental phase? Is that bad?

Ben: Damn. We look good.
Sock: I'm thinking of touching myself.
Sam: Not in my car, please

Sam: I couldn't figure out why you kept throwing Taylor in my path. It's not because you really care about me.
Devil: Hey! Untrue.
Sam: It's because you're tempting me...again! You just want me to be more like you. But I'm not! I don't believe there's no such thing as love, and you know what? I don't believe that you believe that.
Devil: Wow. You know, celibacy really makes you insightful.
Sam: Come on. You've been around since the dawn of time. Are you telling me you've never been in love?
Devil: Well, personally, I've always found lust to be quite satisfying.
Sam: Yeah. You would

Reaper Season 1 Quotes

Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed. I almost went


Sam [about the vessels]: Wait. So, they're not all little vacuums?
DMV Demon: The boss gives you the vessel he thinks you can handle. You must be a real moron