Your body isn't you. Your soul is you and they can never cut into your soul.


Luck isn't getting what you want. It's surviving what you don't want.


Jordi: As my life goes, this is a pretty good day.
Dash: Man, your life must suck.

Jordi: You're seriously twisted.
Emma: Not everyone appreciates it.

Emma: Can you keep it?
Jordi: Yeah, I'm planning on freezing it.
Emma: Like wedding cake.

You could give me that singular experience that I can carry with me into eternity.


You're everywhere, like mold.

Leo (to Jordi)

You know what happens to patients who cry wolf? We sell their organs on the black market and split the money.

Nurse Jackson

Life is full of black holes honey. We can fall in at any time.

Nurse Jackson

The barista was one of those home-schooled types. I wasn't sure he could spell scary without an e but he managed.

Nurse Jackson

Everyone has two stories. The one they want you to know and the one they don't.
