Marie de Guise: Mary may be Scotland's queen, but I am its king.
Queen Catherine: Has Scotland noticed that its king has rather overexposed breasts?

You say that I can be free, open to another. But without you my heart is closed as tight as a fist.


I'm in a nunnery of one.


That's what kings do--we make promises to everybody. Whatever works for the realm, we keep. Otherwise, it never happened. Lesson for today.

King Henry

Mary: You are my husband and my king.
Francis: Mary, we're alone. There's no need...
Mary: He's a traitor. And I love you, Francis. I always have. Always.

If I die of boredom while hearing my people's grievances, am I playing into the queen's hands?


Mary: Are you wearing mink-lined boots?
Catherine: Well if I have to run I want to look good doing it.

You do have a way of leaving chaos in your wake.


Love is never simple. Not that I'm any expert.

Greer [to Leith]

Am I the only one in this bed with something to forget?


Mary: Lord Castleroy, I know I can't imagine what prison must do to one's soul. But I do know this: the love you felt for Greer, love like that doesn't just disappear. Not completely. There is always an ember remaining.

Prince Magnus [to Lola]: You are hereby banned from Denmark for life.
Elizabeth: It's a fate worse than death, apparently.

Reign Quotes

My dear, this was not an act of passion. It was treason.

Queen Catherine

Love is irrelevant to people like us.
