I suppose I'll have to get used to other people deciding what I want for my children. They'll be out of my care shortly, when I'm dead.

Queen Catherine

Sooner or later, blood will be spilled. It's just a matter of whose.

Lord Hugo

Oh, good--more sanctimonious talk from my self-appointed redeemer.

Queen Catherine

Bash: Mary, claiming England means to me. I was only interested in claiming you. If you want to change your mind...
Mary: Henry will never permit it.
Bash: The decision is yours. If Henry stands in the way, I'll kill him for you.

Lesson for the day. Next time you see a threat large or small, you cut it down like a weed. Understand?


Henry: I don't want to do this to you.
Catherine: Then don't.

Have you ever considered if I were the Dauphin when you came to court, instead of my brother. If you came with your heart open, ready to love me.


Catherine: Hello old friend. Too bad you didn't see this one coming.
Nostradamus: Somehow I never see anything coming that could help me.

When the ax falls on your neck, I will be there. With Bash. The next king of France.


Off with you child. You've killed me enough for one day.


Lola, you're back. Apparently, last time I wasn't unpleasant enough.

Queen Catherine

Queen Catherine: So the three of you have come to buck each other up because I'm so frightening? Or did you all just want the pleasure of seeing me brought so low?
Kenna: I suppose a little bit of each, actually.

Reign Quotes

My dear, this was not an act of passion. It was treason.

Queen Catherine

Love is irrelevant to people like us.
