D'Arcy: We're not having fun. We are choosing to stay single until we finish our mission.
Asta: Is that why we're single?
D'Arcy: God, I hope so.

Harry: Asta! I am in love, and it makes me want to dance!
Asta: Oh my God, but it didn't teach you how!

I have no choice but to leave earth. We have been brainstorming all morning, the storm has stopped, and now there is just mud.


I just saved the world with a banana. How was your day?


Mike: Now why would a well-respected military chemist end up living way out here like some kind of creepy ass fairytale witch?
Liv: They say she kind of lost it after she saw her husband die in a lab accident.
Mike: Lab accident? You sayin’ we could be facin’ a supervillain?

What if we fake Harry’s death? You can’t get evicted if you’re dead.


Hey, no one’s ever taken on the housing council before. What’s up with you? You some kind of bad boy or something?


She is perfect in every way. I have a strange desire to smell her. That would be weird. I bet she smells like a feather pillow locked in a hot car.

Harry [inner voice]

Asta: What the hell were you doing?
Harry: I don’t know. My knees are weak and my palms are sweating. I know what this is. I have seen this in human movies. I am in love!
Asta: What? No. You have just met her.
Harry: I luh love her! I cannot help it. I feel luuhhh love for her. It’s like how I feel love for you, Asta, but it is different. It is not just in my head or in my heart, but it is in my pants. Is that why they call it in love? Because it is in your pants?

My heart sweats. Words, heat, remains in my chest. You are a light in the blackout. I’d like to touch you where the eggs pop out. It’s titled. Bird Boner.


if you do something special and nobody knows about it, are you still special?


Mike: Well, let me introduce you to our unsub, Mr. Plaid, right. Look how he's sittin' -- upright, prepared. And what does that suggest? I'll give ya a hint. It begins with the letter M.
Liv: Military.
Mike: Mime.
Liv: That was my second guess.
Mike: Now, mime is an undervalued physical discipline. Their posture's active even when they sittin' still, and you won't ever hear 'em comin'. We might be lookin' at a killer mime.

Resident Alien Season 3 Quotes

General: Why do you have a picture of a boy's chest?
Harry: Oh, that's my chest. I have been manscaping.

Working in a group like a human is not efficient. Yesterday, I spent half the day searching my email for data sequencing numbers, but all I found were fantasy football requests. If I'm going to defeat Joseph, I need to work alone like a real alien. So, I handled it exactly like a human worker would. I texted Jeff and asked him to tell the General I was sick.

Harry [to himself]