Maura: Well what am I suppose to get you for your birthday?
Jane: What is that? The duck boat ride?

Did you just say what's the big whoop?


Frost: So how does a white female cop get the confidence of a black kid from the hood.
Jane: I have mad skills.

Hey Mom. I couldn't find any Sour Patch so you'll have to settle for Gummy Bears.


Studies show that men with great earnings potential are still the most desirable mates.


It could be payback for all of the Metallica concerts he made you take him to.


Are you this rude to all of your colleagues?


Frankie: I'm waiting for an apology.
Jane: Take a seat. You'll be waiting a long time.

I don't agree with you but I respect what you're doing.


Maura: He's a remarkable sous chef.
Tommy: I didn't even know what that meant until this afternoon.

Not everyone with a small brain shoots people.


Even you would look bad if a bullet had gone through you.
