Walter, don't be afraid to love. I just want you to be as happy as I am. I love you. Thank you. Thank you for being my brother.


Don't be afraid of who you really are. You are not your brain. You are your heart.


Walter, don't be afraid.


Please dad, I need your help.


Toby: Relax, I am a Harvard trained physician.
Dad To Be: What field? You don't look like you've done this before.
Toby: Psychiatry.

Megan, my whole life I've been told I was brilliant for a million different reasons, but falling in love with you was the smartest thing I ever did. I will always love you.


Last week you said you were sad because you'd never see the stars again.


She's the most important person that I've ever had in my life.


Megan is dying, and I'm stuck down here. She's the only family I have.


I have superpowers. I am Bacteria Man.


I am very close to a full, psychological breakdown.


Sean O'Brien: What kind of man are you?
Sylvester: The kind of man that's been caring for your daughter. The kind that hasn't left her side in three weeks. The kind who loves her, so you will just have to accept that.

Scorpion Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

We came for Megan, not science fiction.

Sean O'Brien

Walter: You were picked for a reason, Happy. You're supposed to be our reckless driver.
Happy: I'm driving as recklessly as I can.