J.D.'s Narration: I think I'll try to ask Turk something telepathically. Hey, man, you wanna do something tonight?
Turk: Dude, yeah. Let's hang out and watch some TV. We got any beer?
J.D.: I think I used the last of it to make our special party ice.

J.D.: The epi isn't working, I still don't have a rhythm. The transcutaneous pacer isn't capturing. Pupils are fixed and dilated; I'm calling it. Time of death: 9:17.
Jerry: I always thought that when I died I'd see a bright light or float above the ground. Turns out death is pretty mundane. I guess sometimes the end... is just the end.
J.D.: For the last time, Jerry, you're not dead! Okay? Now go back to your room!

Whatta you say we head into the bathroom of this place and lower the health code rating from an A to a B? Whatta you say?

Dr. Cox

J.D.'s Narration: Unlike Elliot and Carla, when Turk and I made plans we kept them.
Turk: It's 10 o'clock. You ready?
J.D.: Let's do it.
J.D. and Turk both stand up and swap seats
J.D.'s Narration: But lately for us, our plans rarely involved leaving the apartment.
Turk: I wasn't too excited about taking over this spot after you sat in it for twenty minutes, but I gotta tell ya, it's warm in all the right places.
J.D.: Mm-hmm.
Turk: How do you like what I left you over there?
J.D.: Oh, man, your ass indentation is so deep, it's like I'm sitting in a giant inner tube.

Elliot: Oh my God, I love Pachelbel!
Carla: We can go right after...
J.D.'s Narration: Carla and Elliot were going through their weekly ritual of making plans they were never going to keep.
Elliot: Um...
Carla: We should have dinner beforehand.
Elliot: Perfect!
J.D.'s Narration: And since Turk knew these were fake plans, he used the opportunity to score bonus points with his wife. Classic husbanding.
Turk: Hey, baby! You know what? Forget dinner - I'll make you a homemade picnic basket.
Elliot: Oh!
Carla: I married an amazing man.
Turk: You sure did! You know what? I've got an even better idea. Maybe J.D. and I can both come - right? - we'll wear sport coats, and you guys, beautiful dresses!
Elliot: Oh my God, I love that idea!
Carla: I love it. I love it. It's awesome. It's awesome!
J.D.'s Narration: To be perfectly honest, so did I. I never get an opportunity to wear my houndstooth sports coat.

J.D.: Agh!
J.D.'s Narration: My "me time" hand!

J.D.'s Narration: Being a great doctor isn't just about medical knowledge, it's also about people skills.
J.D.: Wow, that is the worst broken nose I have ever seen.
Woman: I'm here because I stepped on a nail.
J.D.: Of course.
J.D.'s Narration: Were you walking on your nose?

Billy: I'm supposed to be in Florence by midnight.
Turk: How the hell are you going to do that?
Billy: Her apartment is two blocks away. Should be no problem at all.

Billy: Lads, you'll sleep enough when you're dead and buried. You have to get out on the streets. You have to talk to a stranger. Drink a beer for breakfast. Take the ugliest girl home from the party.
J.D.: Done it! Done that... that one I've done.

J.D.: Ohh, you think scaring people's funny, huh?! Well, good! Because you're dying!
Turk: John Dorian, you are a doctor!
J.D.: Well, he started it!

Jordan: What kind of guy writes love songs?
Dr. Cox: Guys whose mothers make them go to ballet class.
Jordan: Fair enough.

Jordan: What the hell happened to you?
Dr. Cox: I got them to reverse the vasectomy.
Jordan: What an incredibly normal thing to do!

Scrubs Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

Dr. Cox: All righty, let's go for the hat-trick, there, doc.
Doctor: Are you sure?
Jordan: Hey, doc! Zip it, grip it, and snip it!

Carla: Where have you been?
Dr. Cox: Fishing.
Carla: You hate fishing.
Dr. Cox: I went with my friends.
Carla: You don't have friends.