We probably would have never met if not for that day.


I was a pilot in the planes. They don't like to tell you that.


You don't care?

Ray's Dad

We need to put our plans on hold.

Clay's dad

What do we know now? Talk to me.


From here on out, we're operating as though the mission has been compromised.


With all due respect, our team is still operating as though the mission is going ahead. If we mobilize while North Korean mobilizes, it could be the end of the mission.

Team Leader

We can't just leave them.


How can you help me if you can't help yourself?

Ray [to Jason]

You save yourself. If Ray and Naima can't make it work, who can?

Clay [to Stella]

I drafted you for that arrogance.

Jason [to Clay]

My kid's life is going to be a hell of a lot cleaner without me draggin' my muddy boots through it.

Sonny [to Jason]

SEAL Team Quotes

You didn’t disappoint me. You just stopped surprising me.


I keep my distance because I need to, not because I want to.
