How can you help me if you can't help yourself?

Ray [to Jason]

You save yourself. If Ray and Naima can't make it work, who can?

Clay [to Stella]

I drafted you for that arrogance.

Jason [to Clay]

My kid's life is going to be a hell of a lot cleaner without me draggin' my muddy boots through it.

Sonny [to Jason]

It's not a victory if everyone doesn't make it home alive.

Jason [to Soto]

Contrary to what you thought, the women on this ship are brave.

Mina [to Davis]

[Full Metal] gave his life for ours.


I'm going to kit up. You need all the guns you can get.

Soto [to Jason]

Clay: I can only give you one [unit of morphine].
Metal: I have more than that in my sippy cup.

Clay: You've done everything you can. The rest is on Ray.
Jason: That's what I'm afraid of.

Mina: You want to talk about it?
Davis: Talk about what?
Mina: The target you put on my back trying to help me.

I prefer when I came to you for answers rather than excuses.

Jason [to Ray]

SEAL Team Season 4 Quotes

Dude [Jason] puts it on the line for all you guys and this is the thanks he gets.

Thirty Mike

With the drawdown concluding, this could be our last major action in Afghanistan. Let's make it a good one.
