I can't fully serve the people or my son if my sense of the world is different from theirs. I'm saying, I think I've seen enough. I want to live in the same world as my son. I want to hear, feel, smell what he does.


Nevla: We've all just borne witness to the destructive power of vision. It is the position of the Trivantian people that vision simply poses too much of a risk to all of us.
Maghra: I understand your position. But it was not vision that built Tormada's bombs, but Tormada's cruel exploitation of sighted children that accessed the knowledge of the ancients. And it is that destructive knowledge, not vision itself, that needs to be outlawed.

Your children feel your absence every bit as much as I do. But their futures, the ones you gave your life to ensure, stretch out before them with infinite promise.


Tormada: My queen!
Sibeth: You called for me.
Tormada: Tell her what you hear.
Soldier: Nothing.
Sibeth: Nothing?
Soldier: No voices. No tools. No sizzle of pans or fires in the pits. No babies crying. Just the muffled sounds of many feet.

See Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Tormada: My queen!
Sibeth: You called for me.
Tormada: Tell her what you hear.
Soldier: Nothing.
Sibeth: Nothing?
Soldier: No voices. No tools. No sizzle of pans or fires in the pits. No babies crying. Just the muffled sounds of many feet.

Your children feel your absence every bit as much as I do. But their futures, the ones you gave your life to ensure, stretch out before them with infinite promise.
