Samantha: Nobody told me it was B.Y.O man?
Carrie: What did you expect? It's a lesbian art show.
Samantha: I know but don't straight guys usually follow them around to see what they're gonna do?

Charlotte: I can't believe he had the nerve to stand there kissing that woman and still pretend he wasn't cheating on me.
Carrie: Maybe he doesn't consider kissing cheating.
Samantha: Oh, come on it was only your second date.
Charlotte: So, doesn't that still guarantee me fidelity until the end of the evening?

Men cheat for the same reason that dogs lick their balls, because they can. It's part of their biology.


Samantha: What is this thing, that guys have these days about wanting to shave your pubic hair?
Miranda: It's obvious, they want a little girl.

You can't just let it grow wild anymore. There's an entire buisness these days devoted to the upkeep and management of pubic hair. It says as much about you as your shoes.


Charlotte enters the room
Samantha: Wow, you didn't have to get all dressed up for us.
Miranda: Why not, you did your hair?

Miranda: They know your straight right?
Chalotte: I'm sure they do, but we don't even talk about sex, it's a non-issue.
Miranda: You have to tell them, otherwise your just leading them on.
Samantha: That's right, your nothing more than a big clit tease.

Carrie: Well, I think maybe there's a cheating curve. That someone's definition of what constitutes cheating is in direct proportion to how much they themselves want to cheat.
Miranda: That's moral relativism!
Carrie: I prefer to think of it as quantum cheating.

(to self) I wanted to tell him that I was afraid he could never love me the way I wanted to be loved. I was afraid that maybe he didn't really have the capacity to love anyone but himself. I was afraid that given the chance, he'd break my heart again. But I cheated and just said, (outloud) "I guess I was afraid."


Carrie: So how was the sex?
Charlotte: Amazing, it was like Liz was looking over us, giving us her blessing.
Carrie: Threesome in absentia.

Samantha: The widower thing is a definite no no.
Charlotte: Why?
Carrie: The dead wife factor.
Samantha: It doesn't matter how much of a bitch she was alive, now that's she's dead you're the bitch who can't live up to her.

Carrie: I just got back from a funeral.
Big: And, you thought of me, I'm flattered.

Sex and the City Season 2 Quotes

Me, James and his tiny penis, we're one big happy family.


Samantha: Why are we sitting all the way up here?
Carrie: It's the only place I can smoke without Giuliani putting me away for ten years.