I have to start writing things down. I also have to start drinking heavily.


Everyone says that as soon as you get a place of your own, someone will propose, I thought it would be to me.


Charlotte: It's love at first sight.
Samantha: Honey, this isn't love, its about two people justifying a week of non stop fucking.
Miranda: On my furniture.

I don't understand why women are so obsessed with getting married? I mean married people just want to be single again, if you're single the world is your smorgasbord.


Miranda: Oh, I get it, my apartment is going to be lucky for everybody but me.
Carrie: What apartment isn't lucky for Samantha.

Carrie: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Big: I believe in lust at first sight.

(to Samantha) If your engaged I'm selling the apartment.


I'm officially out of men to fuck, I have to get married or move.


Big: I can tell you one thing, I sure did miss you, officially.
Carrie: Did you cry?
Big: No, but I did listen to a hellava lot of Sinatra.

Charlotte: What are you saying is that a straight woman and a gay woman can't be friends?
Samantha: Of course, they can, but you can't expect to move to Wonder Woman's island and not go native.

Oh, haven't you heard? Charlotte's a lesbian now.


I was a major lesbian back in 4th grade. Wendy Kristen we kissed. It was nice.


Sex and the City Season 2 Quotes

Me, James and his tiny penis, we're one big happy family.


Samantha: Why are we sitting all the way up here?
Carrie: It's the only place I can smoke without Giuliani putting me away for ten years.