Miranda: I am so circumcising my kids.
Carrie: I think you can pay people to do that now.
Miranda: I don't ever want to know there's some woman out there calling my son a shar pei.

Samantha: All I'm saying is uncut men are the best. They try harder. I should know, I've slept with five of them.
Charlotte: Out of how many?
Carrie: Infinity!

Mike: You do realize this makes me a virgin?
Charlotte: I'll be gentle.

Carrie: I want you to know my friends better.
Big: I know your friends fine. Charlotte is the brunette, Miranda is the redhead, and Samantha is trouble.

Carrie: Are you telling me that you're seriously capable of having sex with a senior?
Samantha: Well, you know the saying, "All cats look the same in the dark."

Samantha: What's your age ceiling for men?
Carrie: Fifty.
Samantha: Factor in millions and millions of dollars.
Carrie: Fifty
Samantha: Well, I just met the cutest older man.
Carrie: How old, fifty, sixty? Sweetie is he on medicare?
Samantha: I'm guessing seventy-two, a young seventy-two.

The gods are punishing me for having casual sex.


Miranda: Men are such liars.
Samantha: And ninety-seven percent of them can't fuck you worth a damn.

If they're not married, they're gay or burned from a divorce, or aliens from the planet don't date me.


Carrie: You've never called me your girlfriend before?
Mr Big: Of course I have, just not to your face.

Man: I think I know you from somewhere.
Samantha: It's very possible we've fucked.

It was all very familiar. She was having a dej-fuck.


Sex and the City Season 2 Quotes

Me, James and his tiny penis, we're one big happy family.


Samantha: Why are we sitting all the way up here?
Carrie: It's the only place I can smoke without Giuliani putting me away for ten years.