I'm not your girlfriend, Kristina, okay. You're my daughter and one day when you're lucky enough to have a child you'll realize that part of being a mother is not burdening them with your problems.


Do you know why I keep these bullet holes untouched? Because it reminds me of how close I came to losing you. I look at it every day and I make the same promise that I made when I first held you in my arms. To keep you safe. I failed at a few promises but that one I intend to keep.


[to Cole] A huge part of my life died on that sidewalk last night and you let that happen. My whole crew thinks I'm crazy. I think I was better off before you started helping me.


Handle: If I had known this was going to get violent I would have brought my nine-year-old. That's you, right? The cop who was shot by a third grader? Word is, Quince is still out there laughing his ass off.
Wozniak: It's the last laugh that counts. You'll know it when you hear it.

She stood up for someone today who tried to make her feel small. You want to blame someone for that, blame me, I've been teaching her how to do that ever since she could walk.


Ramsay: You want to know what I learned overseas? You make your own advantage. If I have food, I make sure everyone's starving. If I have the high ground, I wait, and if I have one bullet left and the enemy is closing in…
Wozniak: Then I control my fate.

Harlee: You go to the best school in Brooklyn, do you know that? You could open any door but if you can't restrain yourself long enough to walk away from some entitled bitch then you throw that future away.
Kristina: How can you even think about my future after everything that's happened this morning?
Harlee: How can I think of anything else?

Harlee: I needed you today. Everything I know is broken. I'm broken and you made me think that I was crazy.
Wozniak: Yeah but at least you get to go home tonight.

Take your grief and your guilt and take it all out on me. At least it keeps you alive.


Wozniak: I'm going to handle this. Whatever it takes, I'm going to make this right.
Harlee: Nothing will ever make this right.

Wozniak: You made a mistake last night.
Ramsay: If I made it, it wasn't a mistake.

Wozniak: If she thinks there's a thread that leads to Intelligence she's going to go right after Ramsay.
Espada: She won't be going alone.
Wozniak: She can go with God's own thunder, it's not gonna matter.
Tufo: The Intelligence Unit is untouchable, I get it. Cloaked in blue, beyond the chain of command, but do we have to help them cover up a murder?
Wozniak: To keep Harlee safe, yes.

Shades of Blue Quotes

Harlee: How much do you want to know?
Woz: How much do I need to know?

It happened so slowly I didn't realize and so quickly I never saw it coming.
