Jace: Abacadabra.
Clary: Wait. You people actually say that?
Jace: No, Clary. We dodn't.

Are you that desperate to get laid that you'd risk killing us?


Pay grade? They pay vampires?


I don't need a spokesman. I need a plan.


Save your sorry's for the mundanes. Everybody has a sad song.


Jace: Your family always welcomed strays.
Alec: You were never a stray.

Simon is kind of nerd hot.


Simon: No mundanes allowed. Just like in the training room, right? Wrong! I've seen every horror movie ever made, and the funny best friend who gets left behind? Dead man.
Jace: You're not that funny.

Clary: I can't do this.
Simon: You're Clary freakin' Fray. You can do anything.

For someone so old, you're not too wise, are you?


Isabelle: Don't tell me you are afraid?
Simon: Are you kidding? I was born afraid, which sounded a lot better in my head.

Clary: You might be some kind of emotionless G.I. Joe, but...
Jace: What's a G.I. Joe?

Shadowhunters Quotes

It's your 18th birthday. Everything's going to change for you now.


Clary: Simon, how could someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize the person sitting right there is in love with you?
Simon: I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake.