I know you’re in there, Jace Herondale. I know you’re suffering. When I’m done using you, you’ll return to find your friends dead and your world on fire. Burning at the hands of the son you so carelessly took from me. And when you scream and beg for death, I will smile. Now kiss me, you will need your energy.


Jace: I’m thinking of going to the City of Bones for treatment.
Clary: The Silent brothers?
Jace: They have a history of helping shadowhunters with mental health issues.
Clary: Jace, we don’t know that’s what you’re going through.
Jace: There’s a family history.
Clary: But you didn’t start feeling this way until after you were brought back. Do you really think that’s a coincidence?
Jace: I think it was a trigger for something that’s always been there. Look, I can’t sit benched and do nothing. If there’s even a chance that the Silent Brothers can even help then that’s...
Clary: But what if they can’t? Jace, the Clave would deem you unfit for duty. You’d be de-runed.
Jace: And what choice do I have? I can’t live like this.

Alec: What if I moved in?
[Awkward silence]
Alec: Bad idea?
Magnus: No, it’s a wonderful idea...for the future.
Alec: Okay, umm, I just thought.
Magnus: We’ve been seeing each other for less than two months. Alexander, once we move in together, our relationship will change.
Alec: Yeah, we’ll be closer.
Magnus: There’s no such thing.

Isabelle: Can I borrow a dress? I need something Mundane to wear.
Clary: Going undercover?
Isabelle: Something like that.
Clary: Izzy, is there something going on?
Isabelle: Ugh, I’m going out tonight...with the doctor.
Clary: Tell me everything!
Isabelle: It’s just dinner. I’m only doing it so he can leave me alone.
Clary: Well, then why go out with him at all?
Isabelle: You’re right. I should cancel.

Jace: Are you seriously going to live in your van?\
Simon: I don’t know! At least my van’s not going to spy on me while I sleep.
[Simon tries to close the door but Jace stops him]
Simon: Look, I’ll find another place. I just don’t want to be a prisoner of the Wolves Templar.
Jace: I think that’s a bit extreme.

Heidi: When you told me that story about how you stole my body from the hospital morgue to resurrect me, first time in my life I felt so lucky. And then I realized that you just brought me back here to be your guinea pig.
Raphael: I’m sorry. I know it was wrong.
Heidi: It’s okay. As my step-mom always said, “Even scum get their day in the sun.”
[She giggles as the sun starts appearing]

Lilith: For such an ugly and despicable species, they do make beautiful things. Where’s the girl?
Jace: Right as I finished, the Shadowhunters...they fought me off, took her with them.
[The flowers wilt as she gets angry]
Lilith: How could you let that happen?
Jace: I was overpowered.
[She slaps him]
Lilith: If they identify her possession, they will be able to track me. They will try and stop Jonathan’s resurrection before it even begins.
Jace: I will not let that happen.
Lilith: No, you won’t. Nothing will stop me from bringing my son back.

Maia: It’s none of their business if I want to date a vampire. You tell them to leave Simon alone.
Luke: And you’ve got some magic fairy dust that I can sprinkle around and make that happen? We’re talking about vampires and werewolves, thousands of years of hate. It’s not pretty, but that’s just the way it is.
Maia: I can’t believe those words just came out of your mouth. Are you seriously telling me there’s no use in changing bigoted behavior?
Luke: I’m all for change, but the kind of change you’re talking about takes time and open minds. And I’m short of both.
Maia: So, you’re abandoning Simon?
[He stops and turns around]
Luke: I don’t abandon people I care about. You know that better than anyone.
Maia: Not anymore. But, hey, you’re the alpha. Do what you think is best.

Isabelle: All the guys I’ve been with, sex was always a big part of it. With Raphael, it was about everything but that. He made me feel like I wanted so much more.
Clary: So why end it?
Isabelle: We thought we couldn’t be together without being tempted by our old habits. But, Raphael and I, there’s something about us that just fits.

Raphael: Heidi, you need your rest. You’re still adjusting.
Heidi: Trust me, I’m adjusted. Thank you for bringing me back from the grave, but now it’s time to meet my sire.
Raphael: We talked about this. You can meet him when it’s time.
Heidi: It is time! Ugh!
Raphael: I’ve been going to bleeder den since I was 16. I know more than you think. And keeping me here...and burning me...that’s not normal. Either you can let me go...or I can make you.

Clary: Izzy, have you...have you noticed anything different about Jace?
Izzy: No. You do see him more than I do. What’s wrong?
Clary: He thinks the Owl is Jonathan.
Izzy: What? Why?
Clary: He keeps having these dreams about him. He thinks they’re prophetic.
Izzy: What do you think?
Clary: I don’t know. He hasn’t been sleeping; he’s been using his stamina rune to stay on mission.
Izzy: When you don’t sleep, your mind can play tricks on you.

Maia: There are worse things than being locked out of the Seely realm...and being drenched. We’re going to figure this out.
Simon: You’ve already done so much.
Maia: Simon! I care about you, so until you tell me to back off, I’m going to be right here wringing out your jacket. Got it?
Simon: Okay.
Maia: Let’s get you some dry clothes, warm blood, and a shower.
Simon: What about the mark?
[She touches his shoulder]
Maia: Just try not to piss anyone off and we’ll deal with it in the morning.

Shadowhunters Quotes

It's your 18th birthday. Everything's going to change for you now.


Clary: Simon, how could someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize the person sitting right there is in love with you?
Simon: I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake.