Kassidy: What are we all talking about?
V: How important it is for Carl to stay in school.

Until America can distinguish between good brown people and bad brown people, it's my goal to get you into America.


You're gonna get your ass kicked by a homo.


This poor child couldn't help himself once the devil got inside of him. Sum 1013 says, "I will not look with approval on anything that is vile." I hate what faithless people do, I will have no part of it.


Nessa: Gotta admit, it's catchy.
Fiona: Thundercunt Slum Lord. I'm starting to detect a pattern there.

Ian: I'm allowed to express myself on my property as well as my guests.
Fiona: Well, the sidewalk belongs to the city. It's not your property.

Fiona: Hey, that's vandalism. Now you're trespassing on a vacant lot.
Ian: No, it's not a sweet old lady named Connie Rupp owns it and has granted me temporary occupancy for $11.

We must set a safe word... french fry.


Assistant: Head down the hall to bracket one.
Bridgette: Top tier, huh?
Assistant: No, that's just the court number.

Tutu: I'm getting my cavity filled if you follow my meaning!
Bridgette: Oh my god.

I found Edmond on Yelp. He's a dentist!


Bridgette: It's the IRS.
Larry: Bye-Bye.

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Shameless Season 8 Quotes

Frank: It came out great, Carl.
Ian: Where the hell have you been?
Frank: Smoked up all my meth, got over your mother and now I'm a new man.

Veronica: So, no more Tinder?
Fiona: No, V. I'm done with it. No more pointless sex bent over a dirty sink in a club bathroom, scraping my ass on a rusty ally dumpster with my underwear scraped around my ankles.