Realtor: I'm realtor. Hired by owner to sell bar.
Kevin: She can't do that, can she?

Lip: We gotta pay this Eric guy, for real.
Frank: Absolutely not. This meth head doesn't know where we live.

Ian: You don't understand. We don't know anything about your meth.
Man: Bullshit. Monica was fucking indestructible. There's no way she just lost seven pounds of meth, so either she smoked it, or she sold it, or her fucked up family stole it. And in anyone of those scenarios, I am still owed seventy fucking grand.

Lip: I gotta figure out a way to get Sierra to see what a phony Charlie is.
Frank: Dangle a carrot. Once an addict, always an addict.

Hey, you trying to ditch me?!


I have a dog. Woof woof.


What you are looking at Mr. Adeebis... a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.


Frank: It came out great, Carl.
Ian: Where the hell have you been?
Frank: Smoked up all my meth, got over your mother and now I'm a new man.

What brings you down here with the great unwashed?


Nessa: Are you the new slum lord?
Fiona: Uh, New owner.

Ian: Sold my meth yet?
Carl: I can't move it all at once.
Liam: Where's my meth?
Fiona: You don't get any.

Veronica: So, no more Tinder?
Fiona: No, V. I'm done with it. No more pointless sex bent over a dirty sink in a club bathroom, scraping my ass on a rusty ally dumpster with my underwear scraped around my ankles.

Shameless Season 8 Quotes

Frank: It came out great, Carl.
Ian: Where the hell have you been?
Frank: Smoked up all my meth, got over your mother and now I'm a new man.

Veronica: So, no more Tinder?
Fiona: No, V. I'm done with it. No more pointless sex bent over a dirty sink in a club bathroom, scraping my ass on a rusty ally dumpster with my underwear scraped around my ankles.