Forgive me but the ropes were starting to chafe. I presume you did that for my comfort.


Just don't take 13 years to come get me this time, OK?


I used to be just like you. I thought I had it all figured out but then I came to Sleepy Hollow. And now that I've seen what I've seen, I'm not going to pretend to be blind again. The end is near.


Confounding, Henry Parish assumes the mantle of War and when he emerges it is not as a raging colossus but as an attorney.


Benedict was a brave soldier and loved this country very deeply. I never understood why he turned so suddenly, so ruthlessly... until now. It was shortly after his exposure to those coins that Arnold began conspiring with the enemy.


Ichabod: We're aware of the Judas Coin and we will have it out of circulation before you can use it to turn a single other heart to darkness.
Henry: Turn? The coin doesn't turn anything. It simply reveals what's already there. The darkness in all of you.

What matters now more than ever is that you and I stay true. Trust is the only currency with any value.


I believe I know what threat we're facing. Ms Sara was not lost, she was lured into these woods by a creature of legend. This instrument belongs to a Pied Piper.


Beth: When I was 7 he took my sister. He takes one child or the curse takes them all. Abbie haven't you ever prayed for something from your past to just go away? Refuse to believe that it's true.
Abbie: This is not who you are. Let me help you.
Ichabod: My good lady. A great evil has taken control of your legacy. For your sake and the sake of all of your children trust us. We can make this right.

Ichabod: I was regretfully unaware of Ms. Caroline's affections for me.
Abbie: Anyone could tell that girl had a case of Crane on the brain.

The Weeping Lady, local legend goes back to Colonial days. She's the ghost of a woman who drowned in the Blind Brook river. Dripping wet, glowing green eyes whole nine.


Hawley: Cut me some slack okay. It's my first real life monster.
Abbie: You deal in supernatural armaments Hawley.
Hawley: Do people who sell Christmas trees all believe in Santa Claus?

Sleepy Hollow Quotes

Abbie: Who is he? When's the last time you saw him?
Ichabod: When I cut off his head.

Police Detective: Do you admit to cutting off his head, yes or no?
Ichabod: Nooo. First I shot him, then he rose back up. Cutting off his head seemed the next logical step.