Grandpa Marsh: That grandma's quite a nice piece of ass.
Randy: Ew, dad! Not in front of Stanley.

We've reached fag factor 5, captain.


(Randy breaks it to the quintuplets that their grandma died)
Randy: Everyone who has a grandma, step forward.
(Stan, Cartman, Kenny and quintuplets step forward)
Randy: Not so fast, girls.

Yes, lucky for them, these quintuplets no longer have to live in Romania, the asshole of the world.


Look, people have it so good in America that they get bored very easily. And when people get bored, they start protesting things.

Janet Reno

South Park Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Stan: Dude, this isn't working.
Kyle: It's Kenny's singing!
Cartman: Yeah, Kenny, you have to sing better!
Kenny: (I'm singing as good as I can!)
Stan: Well, it's not good enough, Kenny! You have to get better! Try it again!
Grandpa: Aha, I knew it. They turned you into poofders.

No way! The bitches from Cirque du Chebleu!
