All these flashes, no wonder King Kong flipped out.


Bastard cut her head off and you're trying out for the Improv.


Fluffy came home with blood on his paws.


Celebrity's a bitch.


Hey Boot, how did your parents punish you? Did your Daddy pick the marshmallows out of your hot chocolate or did he just get really disappointed?


Officer: Does anyone really care that Mel Gibson's compound burns down?
Ben: Not me.
Officer: Guy probably has three other houses where he can beat up his girlfriend.

Kid: I didn't know cops talked like that to kids.
John: What are you gonna do? Arrest me?

They left two things behind, me and the trash.


John: Can't put a price tag on man's best friend.
Ben: Sure you can.

Southland cops know when the Santa Ana winds blow, you learn just how close you are to the edge.


Spider: What, do you run ironman?
Sammy: No Spider. This is what happens when little gangster shitheads smoke cigarettes.

You know, Superboot. He may lose control of his prisoner, but there's never a hair out of place.


Southland Season 3 Quotes

A couple of hours ago little buddy's ripping flesh off a dead guy, now he's sitting on granny's lap getting a tummy rub.


I think I'm going to get a callus on my index finger from pressing the print button on the copier but nobody's shooting at me.
