We are born afraid, we Kelpians. It's how we survive. As such, my whole life, I have never known a moment without fear. The freedom of it. Not one moment. Until Pahvo.


Burnham: Is this what harmony and balance look like? Where is the peace you say you found here?
Saru: You have taken it from me. You won't stop taking!
Burnham: I would give anything for a second, a millisecond, of peace but until the war is over, none of us can have it.

Tyler: You don't just forget something like [seven months of torture.] You can't.
Saru: What's the other option? Allowing it to transform you into something worse than those who did this?
Tyler: If it means I can make them suffer like they made me suffer, then yes.

The Pahvons have found a way to exist in perfect balance, in absolute harmony, with their world. They have already achieved everything we say we seek through our exploratory and diplomatic efforts. The only answers we require for the advancement of all species is here and it's ours for the taking.


Something has been happening to me. One minute, I know where I am, who you are, what I'm doing and then... all of a sudden, what I know changes. It gets jumbled.


Burnham: The needs of the many...
Tyler: ...are worth fighting for, are worth dying for. But so are the needs of the few.

Our futures look different. You go back to your lake house and I go back to prison. My sentence was life. This is just temporary.


Order One restricts us from revealing ourselves to sentient beings that aren't warp-capable. We're well beyond that. Now our duty is to follow First Contact protocol. And we can't borrow or alter their property without them understanding our objective and agreeing to it.


Do not mistake me for your fallen idol...T'Kuvma! He sought unity. I seek only Klingon supremacy under my rule.


Burnham: Kelpians pursued by apex predators have exceeded speeds of eighty kilometers per hour. They can also sense predators from a distance as much as ten kilometers.
Saru: And we particularly enjoy being discussed in the third person while present.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Do not mistake me for your fallen idol...T'Kuvma! He sought unity. I seek only Klingon supremacy under my rule.


Burnham: Kelpians pursued by apex predators have exceeded speeds of eighty kilometers per hour. They can also sense predators from a distance as much as ten kilometers.
Saru: And we particularly enjoy being discussed in the third person while present.