Adira: You're not allowed to have food in here.
Reno: This isn't food. It's candy. It's practically an accessory.

Book: You could just say thank you.
Reno: Biologically impossible. If he tried, his DNA would unravel like a hormonal teenager.

You weren't sent back to be cured. You were sent back to be weighed.


I said you sentenced me to death when you brought me to this universe. In truth, the greater part of me was already dead. You gave me new life.


You have always been far greater than you could imagine, Michael.


Vance: If you would like to remain on Discovery, you will need to follow Starfleet protocols.
Book: With all due respect, Ossyra has no protocols. Having someone like me around, who is not part of Starfleet, could be a good thing.

Georgiou was the wall I crashed into over and over and over again.


To Philippa Georgiou, the most stubborn patient I've ever had. Considering what some of you have put me through, that's saying a lot.


To Philippa Georgiou. She was tough. She was a force to be reckoned with. And she pretty much redefined the word 'badass'.


Nothing intimidated her. Not in any universe.


She had no tact and, god, I loved that about her.


She was always honest. Punishingly so. Her barbs, however piercing, were utterly glorious.


Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Why do they only learn from pain?


I should be dead. Kill me. Give me the honor I deserve!
