Admiral: Welcome, Grand Nagus. I am honoured to have you aboard the Toronto.
Rom: The pleasure is ours, Admiral. We offer you the Ceremonial Bust of Good Fortune.
Admiral: Well, thank you. The likeness is quite flattering.
Leeta: We also offer you the Ceremonial Invoice for the Bust of Good Fortune.

Tendi: What’s travel guide duty?
Ransom: Starfleet has travel guides for all habitable planets. The file for Ferenginar hasn’t been updated in years so…
Mariner: Starfleet’s gonna foot the bill for us to go to as many bars, restaurants, bars, hotels, pubs, bars, saloons, cantinas, and bars as we want!
Ransom: Also museums, historical sites, but basically, yeah, it’s mostly bars.

Mariner: Why’s it so weird when you’re nice?
Ransom: Because I’m also so handsome! Total package!

Mariner: Wow! It’s like what Heaven would look like if God was stupid.
Boimler: I’m just so happy to haggle at the Museum of Gambling. Oh! And gamble at the Museum of Haggling!

We’ve got the for-profit mini-bar, the for-profit toilet, the machine that charges you to pay for the toilet and the mini-bar.


Mariner: Being a lieutenant kind of sucks. My stupid mentor won’t stop trying to make me feel like a valued part of the team.
Quimp: Oh, sounds like a real nightmare.

Mariner: Damn, Quimp, I gotta admit at first I was skeptical, but Ferengi public libraries go HARD!
Quimp: I told you. Nobody’s read a book in here in a thousand years.

No, you can’t take off now! We haven’t even gotten to the part of the night where we regret stuff!


Mariner: You know me, man. I’m a wild rogue, living on the edge of chaos. I sit weird in chairs. You can’t predict me!
Quimp: Usually, your chaos means something, but it’s weird this time. You seem angry about nothing.

Mariner, I love you, but you need to figure out whatever’s eating you up inside.


Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Tendi: What’s travel guide duty?
Ransom: Starfleet has travel guides for all habitable planets. The file for Ferenginar hasn’t been updated in years so…
Mariner: Starfleet’s gonna foot the bill for us to go to as many bars, restaurants, bars, hotels, pubs, bars, saloons, cantinas, and bars as we want!
Ransom: Also museums, historical sites, but basically, yeah, it’s mostly bars.

Admiral: Welcome, Grand Nagus. I am honoured to have you aboard the Toronto.
Rom: The pleasure is ours, Admiral. We offer you the Ceremonial Bust of Good Fortune.
Admiral: Well, thank you. The likeness is quite flattering.
Leeta: We also offer you the Ceremonial Invoice for the Bust of Good Fortune.