Mariner: Oooh, have fun with the sinister robots who definitely aren’t trying to trap you guys.
Tendi: Thanks!

Lord Tyranakillicus: What I’ve come to understand is that instead of organics, what I really need to subjugate is… my feelings.
Therapist: Yes, Lord Tyranakillicus! Breakthroughs like this are why we do group therapy.
Lord Tyranakillicus: I have conquered self-doubt! And seized personal growth! HAHAHAHAHA!

Rutherford: Okay, shuttle grappler test 85.
Boimler: Sorry, why can’t the apple be on a crate?
Rutherford: Cause it’s a grappler. It has to be precise!

Tendi: Science and Engineering are messy. I love that you stick with it especially when it doesn’t work the way you wanted.
Rutherford: It’d be nice if it worked sometimes though.

Boimler: He asked for me by name?
Ransom: Well, kinda. He said the stringy ensign meat pipe who betrayed him.
Boimler: Ha! Joke’s on him. I’m a lieutenant junior grade meat pipe now!

Peanut Hamper: Wow! These are looking great!
Agimus: Aren’t they? I calculated the perfect ratio of sunlight and hydration. Apparently, lifeforms are as easy to grow as they are to annihilate.

Mariner: You know me, man. I’m a wild rogue, living on the edge of chaos. I sit weird in chairs. You can’t predict me!
Quimp: Usually, your chaos means something, but it’s weird this time. You seem angry about nothing.

Mariner: Being a lieutenant kind of sucks. My stupid mentor won’t stop trying to make me feel like a valued part of the team.
Quimp: Oh, sounds like a real nightmare.

Mariner: Damn, Quimp, I gotta admit at first I was skeptical, but Ferengi public libraries go HARD!
Quimp: I told you. Nobody’s read a book in here in a thousand years.

No, you can’t take off now! We haven’t even gotten to the part of the night where we regret stuff!


Mariner, I love you, but you need to figure out whatever’s eating you up inside.


Tendi: What’s travel guide duty?
Ransom: Starfleet has travel guides for all habitable planets. The file for Ferenginar hasn’t been updated in years so…
Mariner: Starfleet’s gonna foot the bill for us to go to as many bars, restaurants, bars, hotels, pubs, bars, saloons, cantinas, and bars as we want!
Ransom: Also museums, historical sites, but basically, yeah, it’s mostly bars.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Quotes

Boimler: Romulan whiskey is against regulations!
Mariner: Yeah, because it's awesome.

First contact is a delicate, high-stakes operation of diplomacy. One must be ready for anything humanity is interacting with an alien race for the first time. But we don't do that. Our specialty is SECOND contact. Still pretty important. We get all the paperwork signed, make sure we're spelling the name of the planet right, get to know all the good places to eat...
