Tendi: You impress every day! You're very scientific. I mean, Badgey's an amazing piece of programming even if he does want to kill us.
Rutherford: Yeah. He is a killing machine, isn't he?

Boimler: Did we have to get him promoted?
Mariner: You know what they say. Keep your friends close and your enemies WAY the hell somewhere else.

Mariner: Dude! What you're doing is so not Starfleet!
Fletcher: You break rules all the time!
Mariner: Only dumb rules that shouldn't be there so I can do a better job. I would never put anyone in danger.
Boimler: [clears throat]
Mariner: Except sometimes, maybe Boimler!

Phasers locked onto their warp core, Captain. Please, please let me shoot their warp core. I have been very good this month.


Drukmani: I thought you said this trash wasn't worth fighting for.
Freeman: We're not fighting.
Drukmani: Avoiding damage IS fighting!

Non-essential power diverted. Safety protocols disabled.


Do you know how hard it is to get cheese out of fur in a SONIC shower?

Dr. T'Ana

Mariner: What are you doing?
Boimler: Sometimes I hum warp engine sounds just to, y'know, sooth myself.
Mariner: Well, that is NOT what the engine sounds like.
Boimler: Duh, that was Enterprise D at Warp 4. THIS is Cerritos.

Rutherford: Spacewalking is easy! You just float and magnet, float and magnet.
Tendi: But what if I forget to magnet!

These guys are lucky I'm so ethical and considerate.


Boimler: She did break up with me.
Mariner: Hey, you'll find someone who loves you without a googa attached to your skull.
Boimler: You're just saying that.

Enti: You hear what happened on the Enterprise? Apparently Data's got an evil twin brother who teamed up with The Borg. Crazy, right?
Mariner: What? Man, it's like a new thing every week with those guys.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1 Quotes

Boimler: Romulan whiskey is against regulations!
Mariner: Yeah, because it's awesome.

First contact is a delicate, high-stakes operation of diplomacy. One must be ready for anything humanity is interacting with an alien race for the first time. But we don't do that. Our specialty is SECOND contact. Still pretty important. We get all the paperwork signed, make sure we're spelling the name of the planet right, get to know all the good places to eat...
