Picard: Where are the crew of the Stargazer?
Q: Oh, how quaint. How provincial. How 'Yesterday's Enterprise' of you. There is no Stargazer.
Picard: What do you mean? What have you done?
Q: Show them a world of their own making and they ask you what you've done. So human of you.

Picard: Q, have you had enough of playing games with other people's lives? I am no longer your pawn.
Q: Oh, you undersell yourself, Jean-Luc, you are more than just a piece. Why, you are the very board upon which this game is played.

Picard: I am too old for your bullshit!
Q: Old, yes. How unfair time is. So many wrinkles. So many disappointments.

Picard: What do you want, Q? Will you come to the point?
Q: You want me to cut to the chase?
Picard: Yes!
Q: Well, the chase is cut, Picard. The chase is bleeding. The chase is dying in your arms and I am but a suture in the wound.
Picard: Are you? Q, you are not well.

Picard: What do you want, Q?
Q: Oh, I could tell you, but you're far too clever to listen. That said, we're never too old to be students of our own behavior, Jean-Luc.

Picard: I have had enough of your stupid, patronizing...
Q: [strikes him across the face] And I have had enough of your obstinance, your stubbornness, your insistence on changing in all ways but the one that matters! This is not a lesson. It's a penance.

In your history, humanity discovered a way to spare the planet they were in the process of murdering. Here, they just keep the corpse on life support.


Q: Well, Paradise has to have staff. Come on, who's going to mow the grass, fertilize the apple tree? And why pay for help when you can have alien slaves?
Picard: I would never...
Q: I would never! Such moral convictions are the luxury of the victors.

Harvey: Sir, apologies for the interruption, General. Your morning usual.
Picard: Thank you, Harvey. What the hell is this?
Harvey: Columbian roast. Black.
Picard: This really is the circle that Dante overlooked.

Confederation officer: Like you said, if we don't stop these green-bloods now, they'll meld your minds and scramble your balls until you're begging to die.
Rios: I said that, did I?

Okay, let's run the alternatives here. I'm crazy, although I feel like I could come up with a better delusion. I'm dead, although see last supposition and replace me with God. I'm in a crazy Mirror Universe where it turns out I'm exactly the same only with slightly more sophisticated pet programming skills.


Borg queen: You, you fragile teacup, you are accustomed to this feeling anywhere.
Jurati: What feeling?
Borg queen: Unbelonging.

Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Picard: Q, have you had enough of playing games with other people's lives? I am no longer your pawn.
Q: Oh, you undersell yourself, Jean-Luc, you are more than just a piece. Why, you are the very board upon which this game is played.

Picard: Where are the crew of the Stargazer?
Q: Oh, how quaint. How provincial. How 'Yesterday's Enterprise' of you. There is no Stargazer.
Picard: What do you mean? What have you done?
Q: Show them a world of their own making and they ask you what you've done. So human of you.