Worf: Your enemy’s aggression will always reveal their weakness. You could have sacrificed a move to reveal mine.
Raffi: I already know yours. It’s talk.
Worf: Impulsiveness, stubbornness, short-sightedness is yours.

Can you NOT put holes in my floor everytime you need to make a point?


Picard: I believed in you.
Ro: Only when it was easy for you. If I meant so much, you would’ve understood.
Picard: You broke my heart.
Ro: And you broke mine.

As a courtesy, because of the harrowing ordeal that we all survived together, I’m gonna step outside so the three of you can get your bullshit story straight.


Riker: You know, we have saved the galaxy. More than a few times.
Picard: And, hopefully, they’ll remember.
Shaw: Or. They might remember that time that someone hot dropped the saucer section of the Enterprise-D on a planet. Or. That time that someone threw the Prime Directive out the window so they could snog a villager on Ba’ku. Or the time that you boys nearly wiped out all of humanity by creating a time paradox in the Devron System. Basically, when it comes to rescues from danger, you two have a real chicken and egg thing happening.
Picard: Those were the days.

Jack: So, shall I find a comfortable pair of restraints?
Picard: Starfleet’s an organization built on the ideals of reason, and I can be persuasive when I need to be.
Jack: That, I believe.

Worf: We have successfully destabilized the criminal element here. Congratulations, we are now the alphas of District 6.
Raffi: Y’know what? Sometimes, work is fun.

Picard: We have absolutely no reason to believe that she will treat us justly.
Riker: You mentored her. You trusted her when no one else would. You had a bond…
Picard: … and she broke it!

I had a Vulcan master who taught me about pride once. The natural evolution of pride is downfall.


Picard: Y’know, many a rebel from all reaches of the galaxy have found their way to Starfleet. Perhaps you might consider choosing a more honest vocation?
Jack: Starfleet? Me? For such a brilliant man, you haven’t really been paying much attention, have you?

Y’know, there will be a time when you will need to remember that no matter how bleak or unwinnable a situation, as long as you and your crew remain steadfast in your dedication, one to another, you are never ever without hope.

When we buried our son, I watched the coffin being lowered into the ground. It was only six feet, but it was so dark. It was like infinite emptiness. And you and I have traveled to the far reaches of space, and yet there is nothing, nothing to prove to me that there is anything after. And I have tried to shake that. Deanna, as you know, feels everything, but she couldn’t live with me feeling nothing and neither could I, which is why I left, and I came here. I was running from this, only to find it again.


Star Trek: Picard Quotes

Data: Why are you stalling, Captain?
Picard: I don't want the game to end.

Dahj: Have you ever... been a stranger to yourself?
Picard: Many, many times