Beverly: Will, did you just throw an asteroid?
Riker: God damn right I did.

You’re only ever really as good as those around you. Your crew become a part of you. Complete you. They lift you up to accomplish the things you never could do alone.

Beverly: To seek out new life.
Riker: I think we should boldly get the hell out of here.

Face: Pursue.
Vadic: It is suicide.
Face: It is suicide to refuse.

Jack: Look, I get that you might think that I need this. That this might make it all better somehow. But I don’t. And I’m not saying this to be harsh. Some people need to be a part of something. Others don’t.
Picard: I think we all need connection, don’t we?

Forgive me. At some point, asshole became a substitute for charm.


You can’t hide from the pain by being alone.


Something’s different now. I don’t quite have the words yet. But we witnessed a kind of birth here and it reminded me that there’s a whole universe out there. And it can be beautiful and amazing.


Jack: Given the state of the ship, the holodeck’s still open?
Picard: Well, it relies on a small independent power cell for this very reason, so that in times of distress, it can be a kind of sanctuary.
Jack: Right, everyone crams in here, pretending it’s some sort of paradise while the ship implodes around them.

This is the end, my friend.


They’re goo people. Walking, talking clay-dough. They can replicate a person on sight alone. Voice, mannerisms, speech patterns, but that’s it. Most of the time, you can tell. Ask them a question that they should know the answer to. Simple question, wrong answer, BOOM. Changeling.


Shaw: Hey, Hansen, bang-up job your heroes are doing with my ship. Love the view.
Seven: Can we talk?
Shaw: Officially, no.
Seven: Unofficially?
Shaw: No.

Star Trek: Picard Quotes

Data: Why are you stalling, Captain?
Picard: I don't want the game to end.

Dahj: Have you ever... been a stranger to yourself?
Picard: Many, many times