It is confirmed. Your son is the command signal.


What began over thirty-five years ago ends tonight.

Beverly: You’re going down there.
Picard: I need you to lead me to him. You brought him this far. Let me bring him home.

Riker: You’re not going alone.
Worf: And I will make it a threesome.
Riker: Do you even hear yourself?

You don’t leave the doors open if you want to keep the wolves out.

Picard: Will, thank you. It means so much to me.
Riker: You know that I know. Always.

The future of the Borg does not lie in assimilation, but evolution.

Borg Queen

Riker: You had this in there the whole time? A phaser and you didn’t use it?
Worf: Swords are fun.

Picard: We’ve been here before. And I’m reluctant to ask you all to face this threat again.
Riker: We’re the crew of the USS Enterprise. But more than that, we’re your family.
Troi: Jack, Alandra, Sidney. They’re our family too.
Riker: Jean-Luc, wherever you go, we go.

Biology doesn’t always need words to communicate. Flocks of birds turn in unison. The architecture of a beehive, an ant colony, all wordlessly connected. Some transceivers and receivers are organic. So too must be the technology inside Jack.


Picard: Computer, initiate system reactivation procedures.
Computer: Authorization acknowledged. USS Enterprise now under command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Picard: Well, I hereby accept the field demotion.

I’ve never been so happy to see so many wrinkles.


Star Trek: Picard Quotes

Data: Why are you stalling, Captain?
Picard: I don't want the game to end.

Dahj: Have you ever... been a stranger to yourself?
Picard: Many, many times