Zero: I built this containment suit because if any corporeal being were to lay eyes on my true self, you would go mad.
Dal: You built that? Really?
Zero: Try to build one without any hands. I think I did a fine job.

Dal: Can the three of us get it out of here?
Zero: Three? A ship this size requires at least twenty. Or, depending on the species, thirty-seven appendages.
Dal: That's way too many appendages to keep this quiet.

Dal: Who wants an engineer who argues all the time?
Pog: Uh, someone who values a counter opinion that may very well save your life. Go ahead, surround yourself with yes-trolls. See how far that gets you.

Rok-Tahk: Why would you lie to us?
Dal: How could I lie when we didn't even speak the same language until I found the ship?
Rok-Tahk: You mean, WE found the ship.

I know it sounds like nonsense, but every language is a window into a new culture. It's hard to believe how many are out there.


Dal: Looking good, Jankom! Seeing progress!
Pog: And just how are you helping?
Dal: Uh, motivation. Keeping morale high.

Dal: Were you going to leave without me?
Pog: Uh, no?
Zero: Your chance of return was low. Our desire to leave remained high.
Dal: I can be offended later.

Pog: What is he doing with his face?
Zero: He's telepathically sending me a message, but since I do not agree with his plan, I am ignoring him. He assumes his facial distortions might sway me.

Gwyn: Do you realize what you're doing?
Pog: Making a series of bad decisions? Ah, yes, Jankom Pog is aware.

Dal: I'm not an engineer. That's your job!
Rok-Tahk: What is your job?
Dal: I thought I was captain!

Dal: We just got to fire the torpedos.
Pog: Do we have torpedos?
Dal: Then the pew-pew-pew button!
Rok-Tahk: I don't see a pew-pew-pew button!

Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Dal: Can the three of us get it out of here?
Zero: Three? A ship this size requires at least twenty. Or, depending on the species, thirty-seven appendages.
Dal: That's way too many appendages to keep this quiet.

Zero: I built this containment suit because if any corporeal being were to lay eyes on my true self, you would go mad.
Dal: You built that? Really?
Zero: Try to build one without any hands. I think I did a fine job.