Cindy: You know what I realized from yesterday? We’re not that different you and me. in fact, we’re kind of similar.
Courtney: How do you mean?
Cindy: I don’t know, our dads and staff. I think if things were a little different, you’d be a lot more like me, actually.
Courtney: Or you like me.
Cindy: Sure maybe. The point is, I really need a friend right now.

Courtney: Thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate it.
Cindy: Oh, sorry, forget to mention, I really like your staff, Stargirl. You think after all this time we spent together I wouldn’t recognize you through that stupid mask. Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. I don’t want to share it with my dad and get sidelined, so better rest up Stargirl. I’ll be back after I kill you friends.

Mike: He’s my dad you know, not yours.
Courtney: What are you talking about?
Mike: I’m talking about you and him hanging out all the time, him teaching you how to learn to drive and cook and be annoying. Do you see me with Barbara 24/7 because I don’t have a mother? No, you don’t because I deal with it. Pat and I have been through a lot, more than you know.

Cameron: You had trouble asking Mom out?
Icicle: Well, I had competition. There was another man pursuing her.
Cameron: So what’d you do?
Icicle: I killed him.

Cindy: I can’t take it anymore.
Dragon King: Can’t take what exactly?
Cindy: Being a teenager.
Dragon King: You are a teenager.

Pat: We need to go over two crucial categories: one, what you guys can do, and two, what the bad guys can do.
Rick: We know what we can do. I can hit things hard. Yolanda can climb up walls and kill toasters. Beth can talk about everything.
Beth: Happy to.
Rick: And Courtney has a glow stick that blows things up.

Bobbie: I do hope it was nice.
Cindy: Do you? Do you really hope that I had a good day? Because if I were you, I would be praying I would be hit by a car. My day was awful if you must know.
Bobbie: I think I might retire to my room a bit early.
Cindy: No, no, no, no, I want an afterschool snack, Mom. How about some cheese and wine?
Bobbie: You know I can’t serve you wine, you silly goose.
Cindy: Hmm, so you’re disobeying me again.
Bobbie: No, I’m not disobeying you. Your father has given me very strict instructions on alcohol and curfew.
Cindy: I’m going to tell him how awful you’ve been to me. You’re in so much trouble.
Bobbie: Please, Cindy, honey, I’ll get a wine. How about a nice Pinot Noir? I keep a bottle in my room.
Cindy: Just put it in mine.

Cindy: What are you staring at?
Courtney: You haven’t looked at the directions once.
Cindy: Yeah, this is child’s play. I literally did this as a child.
Courtney: You played with dangerous chemicals as a kid? That’s kind of unusual.
Cindy: Yeah, not when your dad’s a chemist and leaves the cupboards unlocked on purpose. We did science experiments for fun.
Courtney: Oh, that sounds kind of cool.
Cindy: What did your dad do?
Courtney: I don’t really know. My stepdad’s a mechanic, but my real dad died when I was younger, but I hear he was this really great guy.
Cindy: Mmh, sad he died.

Jenny: Why are you such a bitch?
Cindy: What did you say?
Jenny: I’m saying I’m glad you’re not going to the dance because I need a break from you.

Courtney: Why is Cindy Burman so mean?
Yolanda: She’s always been like that.
Beth: No, I remember in elementary school she was a lot nicer. Then her mom died and her dad got remarried – twice actually – and then overnight, she became the scariest kid in the fourth grade.

Pat: It’s more like a driver’s ed class, you know?
Courtney: Well, less of a class and more of a hands-on experience, right? Because the only way to learn how to drive is to just do it.
Pat: Actually you’re not right because you’re not just going to jump behind the wheel of an automobile without learning a few fundamental rules. That’s a good way to get yourself and everyone you love killed.
Mike: Geez dad.

Coach: Hey, I want to see Artemis on that field just as much as you do, but this was practice, and she hit one of her own teammates. The kid’s got to learn to control her temper.
Sportsmaster: Yeah, she gets it from her mother. She’s a real firecracker.
Tigress: True. I do have my moments, hon.
Coach: I know I may be new here, but I’ve seen parents like you my whole career, so don’t think you can intimidate me. Whether Artemis plays or sits is my call. Hell, I’ll bench her for the whole damn season if I need to.
Tigress: Homecoming’s around the corner. Our daughter’s your best player. You’re not going to do anything to her.
Sportsmaster: Yeah, coach. Let’s see how you like being taken out of the game.

Stargirl Quotes

Mike: Good-bye In-N-Out, good-bye friends, good-bye indoor plumbing.
Pat: It’s Nebraska. It’s not Siberia, Mike.
Mike: I looked this place up on Google Earth. Blue Valley doesn’t have jack.
Pat: It’s got fresh air, it’s got friendly people, it’s got schools without metal detectors. The thing is I need your help with this move, OK. I need you to be positive.
Mike: Positive? I am positive.
Pat: Great.
Mike: I’m positive this place will blow ass.

Starman: No, no, it’s over. The Justice Society must live on. Its legacy must survive. Someone with honor and strength must carry the torch.
Pat: I’ll try.
Starman: Not you. Someone with grace and heroism. I mean, you can’t do it. But someone out there will. It’s definitely not you. Pat, you’re a good friend.